༻ Epilogue ༺

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"Dad, when will mommy come back home? It's raining outside," A young girl whimpers. She stares into her father's bright eyes, holding in her own tears.

The man that's crouching in front of her takes hold of both her hands. She can feel his hands radiating warmth, causing a fresh layer of comfort to wash over her.

The man suddenly bursts out laughing. "Why are you crying?" he wheezes. The girl finally bursts out crying and her small fists land small hits on her father's broad chest. "I miss mommy, you're being mean to me!" she screams at him. He grins widely and stands up, pulling his daughter up with him and swinging her around.

"I miss her too, but she'll be home soon," he tells her while she shrieks with laughter. It never fails to amuse him how easily the little girl cries or laughs.

Just as the father starts tickling his daughter, the front door to the apartment flies open.

A woman walks in, dripping from head to toe with water. Her facial features brighten when she sees her husband and daughter but then it twists back into a scowl when she notices the dried tears on her child's face.

"Yunho, did you annoy Jihyo again?" she groans.



The girl and tall man with pink hair shout at the same time. "Dad made fun of me for missing you even though he missed you too!" Jihyo whines. Yunho fakes an innocent expression and flashes his puppy-dog eyes.

Jihyun rolls her eyes, even though the sight of her family warms her heart. She hurries to her daughter and places a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Don't mind dad, he's just jealous that I love you more," she whispers to her daughter, loud enough for the tall man to hear. He fakes a shocked expression and crosses his arms.

She stands up and faces Yunho. "You've been a bold boy," she scolds. Jihyo giggles excitedly, but quickly gets bored and runs to her room to play with her toys. As soon as she's gone, Jihyun leaps into Yunho's arms and places a kiss on his puffy cheek too.

He pushes her away with a playfully grumpy face. "You're going to make my clothes all wet," he grunts, brushing drops of water off his sweater.

"Are you seriously upset by what I told our daughter?" she raises an eyebrow. He sneakily brings his eyes back to her ethereal figure standing in front of him. He can't keep up the facade anymore and gives in, gently pressing his lips against hers at last.

Now it's Jihyun's turn to be shocked. "I was just joking. Now go change before you catch a cold," he chuckles, scurrying to the kitchen.

While she changes her clothes and dries her hair, she can't help but think. In these past five years, Yunho has gotten back to working as a detective and Jihyun has returned to being an agent, thankfully getting to keep her team of Mingi and Wooyoung. Just like before, they're as close as ever.

Mingi and Wooyoung have both recovered their mental health fully now, although they took a huge hit after the escape. Once Jangmi and Yunho fully explained to them how they were like with the serum, Wooyoung went into the state of shock and Mingi also suffered. They are much better now, but that incident has left a permanent scar.

Now, the three of them still work together happily and the two men even occasionally babysit Jihyo for her parents. Jihyo has been pampered endlessly with not only loving parents, but also with several loving uncles that would do anything for her.

Yunho proposed to Jihyun only a few months after they escaped the mansion and they both got married shortly afterwards. Everyone from that mansion went to therapy for a few years, only recently recovering. Jihyo was born four years ago, making her turning five this year.

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