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"Yesterday's loser is not me anymore, I'll shine today, I'm better now."
- Sha La La by Pentagon

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The man starts speeding towards the girl. She gulps and hurriedly tries to turn the chair around to escape, unfortunately being way too slow.

Just as he's about to place his hand on her head, another hand grabs his arm. "Go back to work, San."

Jihyun timidly peeks up to see Yeosang with a stern expression for once, staring daggers straight into the other man's eyes.

"Fine! See you later!" he chirps, unusually skipping out of the room excitedly. "Are you okay?" Yeosang asks, looking around her face for any injuries. "I'm fine, thank you for helping me. I was just going to get water anyway." She smiles, touched by the abundance of kind people in this gang. What kind of gang even is this?

"Ah!" he exclaims before dashing to get a glass of water for the girl. He carefully hurries back with the glass, presenting it to her. "It's quite early so you should rest some more in your room. We'll deliver breakfast to your room by ourselves later," he warmly explains.

Jihyun sips on her refreshing glass of cold and clean water. A smile forms on her lips, the satisfaction from quenching her thirst feeling overpowering. "Good idea," she utters, giving the empty glass back to the other boy before turning away.

He automatically starts pushing her wheelchair for her as soon as he sets the empty glass on the table. "Who was that?" Jihyun decides to bring up the man from moments earlier first, astonished by his odd behaviour at such an early hour in the morning.

"He's San," he curtly answers. She waits a few more seconds for Yeosang to elaborate, but no more words leave him.

"Is he a part of the gang too?" She tries once more. "Please get enough rest now, I can't wait until you're better! I'll do another check-up on you tomorrow to see if you're fit to walk by yourself by then." Of course, her question is ignored again. Is this a thing with Yeosang? Does he always avoid questions like this?

They reach her room and despite being a doctor, he immediately leaves her alone without even helping her onto the bed.

She lets out a sigh when the door closes and pulls herself onto the bed with a huff, grateful for her extraordinary arm strength. As soon as she's sitting comfortably again, a knock sounds at her door.

She ignores it, still slightly annoyed after getting ignored by Yeosang again. Although she never responded to the knock, the door opens anyway. The girl's eyes naturally light up when she sees Jongho's soft face. He rolls in a trolley with a few trays of food.

"Would you mind if I joined you for breakfast?" Jongho asks, closing the door behind him. Jihyun's stiff shoulders relax as she feels safer with the other in the room, for some reason.

"I wouldn't mind at all!"

He walks over to her and stands beside her for a bit, contemplating something in his mind. He finally gives in and scoops her up, bridal style. Too startled to talk, her eyes widen and her cheeks heat up.

He quickly but gently sets her down onto a chair at the table in her room before rushing to the trolley to place some trays in front of her. He proceeds to take a seat in front of her too on the second chair.

"How did you sleep last night?" Jongho kindly questions. "Pretty well, thanks," she lies through her teeth, her nightmare flashing through her mind alone with the discomfort from her injury.

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