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"I be them haters' secret favourite."
- Favourite Boys/ Goblin by A.C.E

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Jongho rolls Jihyun's wheelchair back to her room swiftly. Neither of them talk, however as soon as they've entered the room Jongho turns around and quietly locks her door.

She hears the faint click and her palms grow sweaty as her heart starts to speed up. "W-what are you doing?" Her voice comes out shakey but she doesn't dare lift her head out of fear. This is it. This is why she was kidnapped.

"Don't misunderstand! I just locked the door because I wanted to talk to you a bit but I'll get into trouble if anyone else hears," he murmurs. His words paired with his smooth voice instantly calm the girl.

"What are you going to say that'll get you into trouble?" she asks, her interest officially piqued.

Jongho takes a few steps away from the door, reaching her wheelchair. He suddenly crouches down in front of her, keeping eye contact. Jihyun sits back in the chair further, eyes not leaving Jongho's big, shiny brown ones.

"You must feel so horribly scared, don't you? You want to escape but you physically can't." He holds sadness in his eyes as he whispers lightly to her. For some reason, Jihyun can't seem to ignore the empathy painting his face.

When she subtly nods, he continues. "I understand how you feel. I know I shouldn't do this, but I'll help you leave this place safely. You should recover enough here first to take advantage of Yeosang's free care, and then you'll be free. Until then, I'll always be here to help and support you," he softly utters, a slight smile dancing upon his lips. His kind face alone gives Jihyun the support she needed.

Tears start to gather in her eyes. "You really mean that? You promise?" she hesitantly holds out her pinky finger, biting her lip harshly to prevent the tears from spilling.

Jongho giggles cutely. "I promise," he replies, completing the pinky-promise.

As soon as he seals the deal, the thread that was holding her together snaps. Sobs force their way out of her as the warm tears pour out of the faucets in her eyes. Jongho's face turns apologetic as he leans forward before lightly draping his arms around her, careful not to touch her injured area.

"It must be so hard...we're not as bad as we seem. You're safe with us, especially with me," he whispers into her ear while softly patting her back. She continues to cry into his shoulders, letting all of the built up fear come tumbling out.

She stays crying for a few more minutes until she has nothing left to release. She pushes Jongho's shoulders slightly, unable to pull away herself. "Thank you."

The man seems to smile wider. "Any time. I'm glad you could let out your negative emotions in a healthy way! Call me if you need to cry again," he reassures the girl.

She most definitely feels better, especially now that she feels a bond of trust starting to form between them. He'll keep his promise, right? Even if he can't, she'll escape by herself once she can stand up again in a matter of few days. She didn't train in various martial arts for nothing.

"I'll help you onto the bed and then I'll be on my way. It's quite late so you should get some rest and recover quickly!"

The girl nods at him happily, wanting nothing more than to sleep all her thoughts off. He rapidly pushes her to the bed, and effortlessly lifts her onto it. She holds in her groans of pain until she's settled onto the soft mattress.

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