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"People say we're weird, I just like you so much."
- Psycho by Red Velvet

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trigger Warning: Needles

Jihyun doesn't know what forces her back into the state of consciousness: the throbbing pain surging through her veins and back or the feeling of her hand being grabbed tightly.

She really can't move at this point. Trying to figure out what has changed in her from the serum, she puts more thought into her emotions. Is she feeling this pained and full of despair because of the mysterious chemicals, or because of the horrible situation she's in? It's impossible to tell already, she doesn't even know how long it's been since she'd been injected.

The memory of the stinging pain runs freshly in her mind and she feels like crying again, but her tears have run dry. There's nothing left anymore.

The girl turns her head in the slightest to look at her hand and just as she thought, Yunho's large hand clutches it tightly. Her eyes travel up and for once Yunho's actually asleep. He's curled in a tight ball, snuggled right up to the metal bars of his cage with his arm stretched out through the gaps to hold her hand. She tightens her own grip around his, using up the little amount of energy she has left. A tiny smile creeps onto her lips. In the midst of all the pain, at least she has Yunho by her side. 

She slides her hand out of his when she sees a tray at her feet. Deciding not to question things anymore, she shuffles her lying body towards it. She bites her cheek harshly as her wounds on her back drag against the concrete floor all while her entire body feels like it's fizzing from the inside. She props herself up using her elbows and pushes with all her might until she's sitting down.

Her mouth waters and her stomach finally grumbles when she sees the little meal in front of her. She doesn't even hesitate before digging in. It feels like her first full meal in days and the more she thinks about it, it might actually be. 

After she's done, she feels like a little bit of life is restored back to her. Her body still screams for medical help but she ignores it and simply waits for the pain killers to go into effect. What did the two scientists even pump into her? Whatever it was hurt like hell. She's no genius but she gets the feeling that those chemicals are not fully safe to use in a human. Judging by the fact that most of the previous test subjects passed away as a result of this chemical, she may be correct in guessing so too.

"You're awake! Good morning! Are you okay? It really hurts the first time but you get used to it."

Jihyun's heart warms up slightly at the sound of Yunho's voice from behind her. She's in too much pain to turn to him, so she just stares at the ground. "It hurts so bad. Everything hurts," she mumbles while smiling, trying not to cry. She needs to try and retain as much water as she can. Dehydration and malnutrition might get to her before that green liquid can.

Her hands travel to her abdomen where the gunshot wound sits. The faint pain in it barely compares to the fresh scars on her back or the alerting buzzing on the inside. How foolish of her to complain about the gunshot. She had no idea that this much more was yet to come.

Yunho remains silent, unsure of what to say to comfort the other. He knows in reality things probably won't get any better but he can't quite tell her that. He decides against telling her that these tests are nearly a weekly occurence here and that she'll have to suffer through them for as long as she can survive, just like the rest of the previous subjects.

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