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"The night that cut you out of me."
- Idea by Taemin

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trigger warning: Needles

"Unlock the others from the cages now, I have the antidotes!" Yunho exclaims. Seonghwa nods and complies straight away.

He unlocks Wooyoung first as he's been making the most noise. As soon as he's loose, Wooyoung goes to attack Yunho. Seonghwa quickly grabs Wooyoung tightly. "He's strong, hurry!" he wheezes, struggling.

Yunho quickly grabs a syringe and drives it into Wooyoung's arm. He bites his lip as Wooyoung continues to thrash about. A few seconds later though, he slows down until he eventually comes to a stop.

His eyes widen and he breathes quickly. "W-What's going on? What happened?" he stutters, shocked by his surroundings. "We don't have time to explain right now, we need to escape first. I'll just tell you that you were under the influence of the serum for nearly a week and I just used the antidote on you," Yunho rushes while Seonghwa unlocks Mingi's cage.

Wooyoung gasps in shock and observes the room. He looks around his body and gets a sinking feeling in his chest when he sees his bruised hands and fingers. What exactly was he? His mind flashes back to when the serum was used on him. He thought he'd never return. He wonders how he was, or if he caused any harm while he was not conscious.

He sure hopes not anyway.

He tries to focus his mind to the present, feeling the need to tune his attention to his surroundings. A small smile forms on his lips as he watches Mingi get injected. The words of the man from earlier re-enter his mind. They're all escaping? How much did he even miss out on?

Either way, he feels his heart start to float at the thought of getting out of here.

Mingi is much easier to inject as he sits still. Just like Wooyoung, after a few seconds he is back to normal and confused. "What happened?" Mingi asks first. Yunho throws him the same explanation as Wooyoung and he also similarly reacts, memories coming to him quickly. He feels dread settling in him as he looks around and notices glass around them. He gets a shiver down his spine at the sight of Seonghwa, and San on the ground also leaves his mind spinning.

When his eyes land on Jihyun his eyes widen. "Why is she acting like that?" he exclaims, his breaths getting quicker. Yunho bites his lip. "She's under the influence of the serum. You...you were like that this whole time too," he sadly explains. Mingi's stomach flips and tears sting his eyes.

Wooyoung, however, still feels confused. He looks down to his bloody nails and bruised fingers one last time. "I was like that too then? What's the point of giving us a serum just for that?"

Yunho feels burdened with these explanations. The looks on their faces makes him want to lie and say that everything was okay. But he should tell the truth.

"You were the opposite, you were very aggressive and vicious," is all Yunho says, the pain in Wooyoung's eyes forcing him to avoid telling him more. To find all of this out must be very mentally tolling on the two.

Wooyoung and Mingi step aside and stare at Jihyun while they are in deep thought. A part of them is delighted to finally escape but another part feels defeated. While they think, Yunho lifts his eyes to the girl.

Finally, it's Jihyun's turn. Yunho's heart starts to fill up again while he injects the antidote into her. She has only been gone for less than a day, yet it felt like an eternity. He stares into her dead eyes, full of hope.

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