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"Jasmin hovering around you."
- Mmmh by Kai

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Seonghwa takes a step into the room and everyone freezes as soon as they make eye contact.

Seonghwa looks stunned to see Yunho and Jihyun sitting together instead of being in the basement. His eyebrows furrow and he quickly whips out his gun and aims it at them. With his free hand he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone.

"Wait!" Both Yunho and Jihyun exclaim at the same time. Seonghwa hesitates but continues to unlock his phone anyway.

"Please, just hear us out first! Please don't tell anyone, please," Yunho begs desperately. He looks like he's on the verge of tears again. Jihyun's heart aches at his face and she rests a hand on top of his.

Seonghwa's eyes widen in shock when he sees Yunho's face and shiny eyes. He unconsciously lowers the gun and the phone.

Without another word, he speeds to the door and shuts it softly.

"Explain," he demands while turning back around. He slides his phone back into his pocket and lowers the gun to his side too, although he doesn't put it away.

Jihyun turns her head to Yunho, flinching at his troubled expression. He must be finding it all so hard right now. She decides to explain everything to Seonghwa instead.

Seonghwa automatically takes a seat on the sofa and sits back with his arms crossed. On the inside he honestly feels bad for the pair, but he feels the need to show authority on the outside. Plus as apologetic as he may feel at times, Hongjoong will always hold priority for him.

Jihyun takes her time to explain the past two days to Seonghwa, making sure not to leave out any details. She continues on until a few hours ago when she fainted.

Yunho proceeds to take over the explanation, full of emotion. His voice shakes as he talks, especially when he mentions the state Jihyun was in.

Seonghwa sits with a stern expression, but it slowly eases into a surprised one. As soon as the explanation is over, he doesn't even realise his mouth is dropped open.

What he does next catches both the girl and the pink haired boy off guard.

Seonghwa stands up and starts smiling widely. "Congratulations on getting your emotions back!" he exclaims. Yunho and Jihyun both raise an eyebrow and share concerned glances with each other. This man is also partially responsible for Yunho losing all of his feelings in the first place, so why is he suddenly happy about Yunho getting them back?

"What do you have up your sleeve? Don't you think you've done enough to us?" Jihyun whimpers, voice full of hurt. Seonghwa bites his lip and hangs his head in shame.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles under his breath.

"What?" Jihyun asks, eyes now wide.

"I already said I'm sorry!" he shouts back to her, face burning up in humiliation. "I genuinely feel bad for what I have done to you guys and to everyone, I'm truly sorry. I've said this to Jihyun before but I think you deserve to hear it too, Yunho," he sighs.

Jihyun and Yunho once again share concerned glances. She wonders what keeps making him switch from being sorry to being evil.

"And what will you do about your guilt now? Shoot us and call Hongjoong?" Yunho challenges. Seonghwa recoils in response, clenching his fists. He must control his anger to atone for his mistakes. He remorsefully tucks his gun back into his pocket.

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