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"And I'm gonna stop crying, stop feeling,
Stop thinking 'bout you, my babe."
- Holo by Lee hi

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Jihyun's eyes flutter open slowly. She smiles to herself, feeling warm after remembering the night before. She turns to her side and her smile falls when she sees an empty space.

Just as she's about to close her eyes again, she notices a foot in the corner of her vision. She looks up and gasps loudly when she finds Yunho sitting on the bed beside her, cross legged. He smiles and stares straight at the girl.

"Good morning!" he exclaims. A light chuckle escapes her. "You scared me! Were you staring at me sleep again?" she asks, recalling his habits from the cages.

"It's not my fault you look so pretty when you're asleep," he mumbles. The girl's eyes widen and she opens her mouth to shoot a remark back, but before she gets a chance to say a word, the boy swoops down and plants a light kiss on her lips. This gesture shuts her up and paints her cheeks red.

"What..." Jihyun breathes while in a state of shock.

"Let's get up, today is going to be quite busy for the both of us!" Yunho hops off the bed, completely ignoring the stunned girl. He smirks to himself while entering the bathroom. He loves seeing her flustered. Her shy face is a complete contrast to how she usually presents herself and he wants to see it as much as he can.

Who knows what will happen after their plan today?

Jihyun stares blankly at the ceiling for a while, trying to gather her thoughts. Finally Yunho's last words click with her and she remembers about their plan. It's a simple plan, but there are plenty of potential risks.

If either of them are caught trying to find a way to escape, their miniscule chance will even be snatched.

Yunho will spend the day with Yeosang and hopefully find out about an escape route. Jihyun will try to question Seonghwa. While that sounds easy in theory, Seonghwa's mood is too unpredictable. Jihyun prays in her mind that he won't lose his temper and hurt her again. She's sick of all the pain.

The pair get ready seperately and walk to the dining room together. This time Yeosang is sitting alone. He appears to be deep in thought and picks at a plain slice of toast. 

"Sangie!" Yunho hops in his spot and quickly scurries over to the doctor. Yeosang also looks up and his facial features relax. 

They start some small-talk and that's the signal Jihyun needed. Their plan has finally commenced.

Yunho turns back to her and gives her a slight nod with a small smile as good luck. She returns the gesture and leaves the room. She'll have to skip breakfast today, not that it's a huge deal at this point anyway. She's already pretty used to skipping meals here.

Where could Seonghwa be? The girl thinks hard. She decides to check the lower floors first even though she has a feeling he's in the garden again. Her feet automatically guide her to the stairs. Her mind is already familiar with this mansion and although it's an advantage to her, it brings a wave of sadness. Has she really been here for that long?

She shudders under the piercing gazes of the guards while walking past them up the stairs. Her mind automatically travels to a scenario where she attempts to escape in front of the armed guards and her heart jumps, causing her feet to move up the stairs even faster.

She scuttles through the hallway until she reaches the giant library doors. It seems like the obvious answer to open the doors and enter, but the garden doors beside her invite her enticingly.

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