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"My memories are only filled with you,
Can't remember anything before you."
- Amnesia by Kai (Exo)

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trigger Warning: Needles, (slight) Blood

Yunho and Jihyun whisper words of comfort between each other for the next few minutes until what they were dreading happens.

Wooyoung starts to stir in his cage between them and his eyes slowly open. His head moves around a bit and he examines his surroundings. The calmness in him dissipates immediately as he suddenly lurches forward toward Jihyun. His breathing grows heavy and he goes back to looking bloodthirsty.

Jihyun gasps and shuffles backwards until her back is stuck against the side of the cage facing Mingi, who still sleeps soundly.

"It'll be okay. Everything will be okay again and we'll get Wooyoung back soon," Yunho comforts. Jihyun takes a few deep breaths while replaying Yunho's voice in her head. Her pounding heart slows down, but it doesn't stop aching.

Her eyes flick to Yunho's face one last time before she breaks down into tears again. She manages to block out Wooyoung shaking the bars of his cell beside her as she sobs into her palms. After learning about the identity of her brother and her two closest friends, she feels her whole mental state collapsing. If it weren't for Yunho cheering her on constantly, she'd have given up on life hours ago.

Yunho restlessly adjusts in his place while seeing Jihyun cry. His arms twitch to envelope her into a hug, but he can't do that anymore and he feels quite useless.

Jihyun is dragged out of her spiralling thoughts by the door flying open.

San skips in, looking as excited as ever. He hurriedly scurries over to Mingi's cage. "Mingi, wake up! Start your morning stretches," San commands.

Mingi instantly shoots up into a sitting position, still holding a straight face. He starts to stretch his arms and neck slowly, not wasting even a second.

"Pretty cool, eh?" San mumbles to Jihyun with a prideful smirk. She gulps while staring at Mingi as he mindlessly obeys every demand from the scientist. If she fails at her plan then she'll end up like Mingi, maybe even worse.

San now trots to Wooyoung's cage, who still snarls at Jihyun. "Who's a good boy?" he mockingly coos. Wooyoung snaps his neck around and his expression calms. "That's right, you are!" San giggles. Jihyun feels anger bubbling up inside her and it makes her head sting.

These scientists have no shame.

"Did you come here just to bother us?" Jihyun snaps. San chuckles more before reaching out to the lock of Jihyun's cage.

"I'm actually here to borrow you for testing. If things are still alright with you internally, we might have found the perfect serum to use on you!" he declares. Although this is all a part of Jihyun's plan, she can't help but feel nervous. The day she might become like Wooyoung and Mingi is getting closer and closer. She could either end up like them, end up successful or she'll end up...dead.

She turns her head to Yunho sadly, observing his face carefully. She knows she shouldn't think pessimistically at such a crucial time, but she wants to see his face as much as she can just in case something really does go wrong.

He flashes her a small smile, trying to comfort her once again. She returns the smile, forever grateful for his valuable emotional support.

The cage unlocks and a hand tightly grabs her arm. "Let's go, Jongho gets cranky if you leave him waiting and I don't want to deal with that," he utters. Jihyun looks up past San to look through the window above the counter at the edge of the room.

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