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"I'm out here holding my breath,
I just can't wait to see you again,
It feels like it's been forever."
- One Day at a Time by Ateez 

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Trigger Warning: Blood, guns, death

Yeosang's Yearnings

8 Years ago

"Seonghwa, watch out!" Hongjoong screams to the last living member of his gang. They stand outnumbered to a rival gang, with a sea of dead bodies scattered around them. All their other gang members couldn't survive this fight. The last thing they saw before they passed away was Hongjoong's disappointed face. Of course, they were all objects to him.

The four gang members from the opposite gang have all their guns trained on Seonghwa. "If you even dare to lift your gun, we shoot," they threaten. Hongjoong grips his gun tightly in his hand but he doesn't lift it, leaving it trained to the ground. He holds Seonghwa too dearly to himself to risk anything.

Dust flies around the abondened warehouse like a miniature blizzard with only a few beams of light piercing through from the roof that's falling apart. The air reeks of mould and blood, casualties carpeting the ground. Hongjoong grinds his teeth to think of what he could do to save his gunman. He doesn't care about who dies, but Seonghwa must live. 

Suddenly a gunshot rings through the air. Hongjoong widens his eyes as he watches Seonghwa fall to his knees, blood pouring out of his shoulder. He growls while lifting his arm with no hesitation. He sees the rival gang's startled faces, while the one who shot Seonghwa holds a smug expression. Before any of them can react to Hongjoong's newfound rage, he shoots a bullet through each of their heads with the most accurate precision. While they all collapse to join their other members' bodies, Hongjoong dashes to Seonghwa.

"A-Are you okay? Can you stand?" he panics, placing a hand over Seonghwa's wound. He flinches when he pulls back his hand and it's coated in warm blood. Seonghwa forces a pained smile. "Do I look okay to you?" he sarcastically remarks. Hongjoong bites his lip worriedly. He takes off his jacket quickly and wraps it around Seonghwa's shoulder tightly, slowing the speed of the bleeding. "Just stay here, okay? I'll be back as fast as I can, I'm getting a doctor," he blurts while standing up.

A weak hand grabs his leg. "You can't do that, you might get caught. Just leave me here and find a replacement of me," Seonghwa chokes out. Hongjoong's heart drops and he stares in horror. "No one can replace you so let me go!" he screams. Seonghwa's mouth drops open slightly in shock. He releases his hand from the others' leg with a smile. "Hurry up then," he croaks.

Hongjoong nods and sprints out in a panic. He recalls seeing a hospital nearby on the way to the warehouse, so he runs as fast as he can in that direction. Just as he's nearing the entrance, he catches sight of a man wearing a lab coat. He must be a doctor.

He instantly runs over to him and grabs his arm. The man with fluffy light brown hair jumps back in shock. He eyes Hongjoong up and down, the fresh blood stains on his outfit making the hairs on his neck stand. "Please help me! My friend is dying and I need you to come and help," Hongjoong begs. He has never behaved in this way before in his life and slightly cringes at how he sounds, but he knows he doesn't have the time to worry about etiquette.

"Tell me where they are and I'll send an ambulance to them," he offers while brushing Hongjoong's arm off. He turns to leave again, until Hongjoong grabs the doctor's arm more tightly this time. "I can't bring him to the hospital. Please, you're the only one that can help him. It's just a gunshot wound, please help us!" he shouts, earning a few glances from passersby.

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