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"My life is waiting for you."
- Mago by Gfriend

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Jihyun aimlessly wanders around the hallways of the top floor now after leaving Seonghwa in the bar.

It's a bit weird to her that Seonghwa does feel guilty for his actions after all. She hopes her advice reaches him.

Her stomach loudly barks at her, so she decides a quick trip to the kitchen couldn't hurt. She's guessing the gang won't gather for lunch today, not that it bothers her. She makes herself a quick sandwich, eats it and returns to wandering around.

Things sure do feel boring in such a big building all alone. She finally figures that reading to pass time could be the best option. As she walks past the abundance of armed guards at the front door, she gets a shiver down her spine. Getting shot a second time probably wouldn't be such a good idea.

The girl spends her entire afternoon reading various books. She skims through some books based on kidnappings to find some inspiration to escape but unfortunately she finds nothing of use. At last, she just settles on reading a random fantasy novel she picked up.

"Join us for dinner," she hears a voice call out a few hours later. Instantly recognising Hongjoong's voice, a sour taste floods her mouth. "Do I have a choice?" she asks just to be sure, although she knows the answer already.

Hongjoong smiles. "Of course not." Her eyes nearly roll to the back of her head as she slams her book shut. She joins him at the door and slumps like a grumpy child. Naturally, she hates being ordered around by her kidnappers. The only thing that pushes her to join Hongjoong is the thought of seeing Yunho again.

They travel down the stairs together and just as she had hoped, Yunho's bright face is glowing right back at her from the dining table. Her insides warm instantly. "Jihyun!" he yells, quickly standing up.

She opens her mouth to greet him back when suddenly he attacks her with another hug. Her eyes widen as he squeezes her body tightly to his. She returns the hug and the boy doesn't loosen his grip for a few seconds. After he pulls back at last, his smile shines to her face. "I missed you so much!"

She giggles, now feeling giddy after that hug. "It has only been a few hours," she utters sheepishly, even though she missed him too. The only response she gets from Yunho is yet another hug, forcing a huge grin on her face. As usual, Yunho lifts her mood from rock bottom to sky high.

"Did you have fun with Yeosang?" she asks him. When he starts to beam even wider, she gets a good indication of what his answer might be. "Yes I did! He was teaching me about first aid," Yunho explains. Jihyun is impressed. Their kidnappers are teaching him first aid. The same men who snatched Yunho's emotions and memories away are teaching him first aid.

"That's great!" is all she says, pushing aside her bitter feelings for the sake of preserving the taller's excitement.

"Just eat your food," Hongjoong complains with a stuffed mouth. He's already growing tired of breaking the pair away from each other during meals. Jihyun gets prepared to argue with the older as usual before Yunho speaks first. "Sorry!" he chirps while taking his seat. She grinds her teeth and joins the pink haired boy while eyeing everyone else with annoyed eyes, paying particular attention to the two scientists.

They look happier than usual. Based on the situation the girl and her friends are in right now, that's a very bad thing. She ignores them and sucks up all her food as fast as a vacuum.

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