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"I see the end, I know it's not right."
- I Can't Stop Me by Twice

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Trigger warning: Blood

Yunho screams uncontrollably as he watches Jihyun's eyes shut on the bed. He attempts to press a stop button on a control panel in front of him but Jongho easily holds him back.

"I'm so excited!" San exclaims while jumping up and down. "I'll have to admit, I'm pretty excited too. Years of hard work are finally about to pay off," Jongho responds.

"Are you guys even human? You've been basically living with her for weeks now and you are able to heartlessly do this to her?" Yunho spits. "We've been researching for longer than that so that means a lot more to us, not that you'd understand," San shoots, rolling his eyes after.

"And time doesn't mean anything to us. We've have been seeing your face nearly every day for the past two years but you do know that you're next to take the serum, right?" Jongho utters.

Yunho stumbles backwards. He'll be going next. And...two years?

"I've only been here for a few months, I don't-" Yunho begins before the memory hits him. It really has been two years.

His heart shatters even more. "How could you?" he says with a broken voice.

San places a hand on his shoulder. "That's just life, buddy!"

Yunho can't take it anymore and sinks to his knees on the floor. "Please stop," he sobs, though he knows his words won't make a difference. "Stop crying like a baby, you make me want to kick your stomach again," San hisses in a disgusted tone.

Yunho wails louder and his whole body shakes as tears pour out. Just as he had threatened, San lands a harsh kick into Yunho's stomach for the third time today. Yunho coughs and holds his stomach but carries on crying. He doesn't even know what else to do anymore.

"Shut up!" San screams, kicking Yunho once again. Yunho barely notices the pain. Is it really the end now? He's just lost his love and now he'll never see her again. Neither of them will recognise each other soon and escaping will be nothing but an expired dream.

San gives up and doesn't stop kicking Yunho, who sucks it up.

He shouldn't give up like this but what else can he do? He desperately wants to save Jihyun but it's too late.

"Stop, San. We need him to be conscious for the testing," Jongho mumbles without batting an eye. The attacks stop and San takes a step back.

"I can't wait to see the serum finally work on Yunho. I'm tired of his face," San pants, glaring down at the taller. Yunho has stopped crying now, but he still shakes. He feels the bruises around his body and wishes he could fight back. If he could fight right now, a singular punch to the head wouldn't be the only thing San gets this time.

"San, bring Jihyun to the check-up room and I'll bring Yunho to his cage," Jongho instructs. San's face brightens. "Thank you for finally letting me take Jihyun!" he sighs out of relief. Jongho whips his head around. "Hurry before I change my mind," he growls, squinting his eyes.

"Will do!" San runs out of the room hurriedly. Jongho finishes closing down everything and turns around.

"It will take a few hours for the system to clean itself and for us to prepare the serum again, so I'm bringing you back to the cages. I told Hongjoong that it's not safe to question Jihyun until you've gotten the serum too because I felt like it'd be too cruel to let you witness whatever Hongjoong does," Jongho explains, avoiding eye contact while lifting Yunho to his feet.

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