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"Take my deep sigh away with your smile."
- MMM by Treasure

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"How did you not realise you have super strength?" Jihyun exclaims to Yunho. They are both currently trying to reattach the punching bag to the chain on the ceiling in hopes of avoiding an unneccessary punishment from one of the members. They make a great team with Yunho effortlessly holding up the bag while Jihyun fumbles with the links skillfully.

"I never even thought about trying to use it! I've never tried using force before," he admits. Jihyun scoffs. "Not even once? I think you've gotten too comfortable with those wretched scientists," she teases, causing Yunho to giggle bashfully. "Anyway, make sure you keep this a secret from everyone. Who knows what they'll do to you if they find out you might actually be a threat. Let's use your strength to our advantage in secret, okay? We can't attack anyone with your strength yet because they have armed guards," she explains in a low voice.

The boy eagerly nods along, soaking in all the information. "Will they hurt me if they find out?" he nervously asks. The girl's mind travels back to San's manic smile and Seonghwa's...violent tendancies. "They could." 

Yunho shudders before both the girl and boy are alerted by the door opening. Seonghwa takes a step in and freezes when he sees the pair standing awkwardly at the punching bag.

"Why are you two here?" he asks slowly, highly suspicious. "Yeosang said we can use any unlocked rooms on this floor," Jihyun explains, finding it funny how it feels like Yeosang is her mother. He's taking care of her and looking out for her like one, anyway.

"Of course he did," he mumbles under his breath. "Huh?" Jihyun takes a step closer to properly hear the other. "Nothing. Carry on," he sighs before walking away again. She turns to Yunho out of confusion. His expression tells her that this is his first time seeing Seonghwa like this as well.

Although that man is evil, Jihyun wonders what's bothering him. Is it her instincts as an agent? Maybe she's just a curious person. Either way, she wants to find out. "Should we go after him?" she asks Yunho just in case. He thinks for a second before giving in. "Fine, but be careful. That man is dangerous," he warns.

Jihyun's back and abdomen lightly throb at Yunho's comment and she shivers. "I know that very well," she giggles. "Let's go then!"

The two quickly finish adjusting the punching bag and exit together. Once again, they're stopped. This time it's Yeosang standing right in front of them, a bit surprised to see them walking out of the gym.

"You're here! I've been looking for you everywhere!" he exclaims, mostly at Yunho. He tilts his head questioningly. "Am I needed?"

Yeosang nervously starts to fidget with his fingers. "I need to run some tests on you to examine your health and...we should catch up," he quickly blurts. Yunho's face lights up. "I'd love to spend time with you again, Sangie!" he brightly agrees. Jihyun smiles warmly at the tall boy. He adorably skips to Yeosang's side. The pair must have become friends from the past while.

"We'll probably be finished by dinner so don't worry," Yeosang explains. She can see the excitement in his eyes too. It's clear to her that Yeosang and Yunho really are quite close here after all.

"I'll see you for dinner!" Yunho shouts loudly while suddenly enveloping her into a hug. Caught off-guard, Jihyun's cheeks start to grow rosey. "See you," she forces out, still in a trance as he skips away with Yeosang.

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