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"From now on, only dream of me."
- Lalalilala by April

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Jihyun groans as she shifts slightly in her sleep. Pain burns through her back, causing her eyes to fly open abruptly. She feels tears start to pool in her eyes as she recalls what had happened before. She flinches at the thought of the whip attacking her back. Her eyes travel around the room and she instantly recognises the infirmary.

The girl feels determined to get revenge on Seonghwa and the gang now more than ever.

The door grabs her attention as it starts to open. "You're awake so soon! It's only been a few hours," Yeosang exclaims while walking into the room. "On behalf of the other guys, I'm sorry you have to go through so much pain," he continues while unwrapping a fresh roll of bandages. Jihyun tries to glare at Yeosang in return, but what happens instead shocks her.

Tears come pouring down uncontrollably. She tries to blink repeatedly to make them stop but it doesn't work. She is broken to the point of being unable to even pretend to be strong.

Yeosang turns around from his table and nearly jumps to the sight of the girl bawling her eyes out. He quickly sets the bandages back down and runs over to her. "Are you okay? What happened?" He worriedly places his palm on her forehead to check her temperature. When he figures out that she doesn't have a fever, he retreats in confusion. "Just get this done and over with quickly," she sobs, wanting to get out of his sight as soon as possible. Half filled with hatred and half filled with embarrassment, she looks away and bites her lip hard.

The tears rush down her cheek like a waterfall and create a little lake at the bottom on the pillow under her head. How much more will she have to endure before she can leave? She's back into a vulnerable position, unable to even dream of escaping by herself. She tries to telepathically beg Mingi and Wooyoung to hurry up.

Her heart drops into her stomach when she remembers she just exposed her partner's names to these evil men. She cries harder, praying that they manage to stay safe. She'd rather rot in this disgustingly grand building than to ever see their faces here. 

"Could you...turn around?" Yeosang hesitantly requests. He automatically feels himself growing cautious with his tone, afraid of hurting the girl on the inside even more than she already is. 

Jihyun starts turning to lie on her chest, even though her whole torso shrieks in agony. She's learned to endure it at this point. When she's eventually on her chest, she simply releases a tired sigh while wiping at the fresh batch of tears pooling in her eyes. Yeosang bites his lip, feeling more than concerned for the girl. He feels bad for her, but he must keep following orders. It's all he can even do anymore, ever since he got himself into this mess.

"Can I lift your-"

"Just do whatever but do it quick," Jihyun interrupts, growing sick and tired of pain running through her body constantly. Yeosang nods to himself quickly before pulling her shirt up. He carefully pulls off the bandages he wrapped around her earlier, revealing an abundance of whip marks as well as some cuts and gruesome bruises. He shakes his head while reaching for some disinfectants.

After he's done applying as much treatment as he can, he helps the girl into a sitting position. He delicately wraps the bandages around her torso after applying some to her upper back and arms too. He pulls out a little tub of pills.

"Here are some stronger pain killers. Forget about the old ones I gave you, take these instead. I hope you recover soon," he softly utters. Jihyun's flashes him an annoyed expression as she snatches them from his hands. These crazy men have the nerve to injure her so badly and still treat her afterwards, the doctor even going as far as to hoping for her quick recovery.

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