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"It's always the same thing every time, I'm sick and tired of it."

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"How long will you be fixing your wig for?" Mingi groans in the back seat of the car. Jihyun simply scoffs in response before continuing to move strands of hair on her wig around.

The three agents, who work secretly for the government, sit in the hot and stuffy car right outside the destination for their mission.

Wooyoung sleepily sits beside Mingi, staring at a beam of sunlight burning into one area on his thigh. He wonders if it'll burn a hole into his jeans before Jihyun is finished getting ready.

Right outside their car window is a grand mansion, decorated with stone statues.

Today, a gang will be hosting a party in this mansion. They're not too popular, but the three agents still have to take care of them before they get too big. While the party is being held, the gang leader plans to hold a meeting with his three "brothers". It was discovered that the three men aren't actually related to the leader. In fact, they haven't even met with him face to face before. Other than that, not much more is known of the gang. Not even their name.

The agency has already managed to arrest the three brothers, unknown to the gang. Now only the gang leader and the rest of his men remain. And that's exactly who the target is today.

The three agents in the burning car disguised themselves as the "brothers" in hopes of sneaking in to the meeting to find out some crucial evidence to get the gang arrested. The disguise was easy enough for the two men on the team to pull off, however Jihyun has a hard time looking like a man. She was desperate for an interesting mission, and the company had no free teams. Jihyun took this chance and begged with all her might to get the mission, even if it meant disguising herself as a man. At last she got what she wanted, thus leading the group to where they are now.

This mission is very simple.

But it has many risks.

"I think you look very manly. Let's go," Mingi whines, letting out a loud sigh afterwards. Jihyun glares at him through the rear-view mirror. Out of spite, she pulls up her makeup bag again.

"Your makeup is going to melt off in this heat at this rate, can we just go?"

"Why is Wooyoung so quiet today?" She asks, ignoring Mingi's pleads while patting foundation on her cheeks. She subtly smirks when she notices the suppressed rage on his face.

Mingi looks to the boy beside him and nearly screams out of frustration when he sees his eyes fully shut. He breathes heavily and his mouth is hanging open. "He's...asleep. See, this is what happens when you spend two additional hours getting ready."

Suddenly she snaps the lid of her makeup shut. She adjusts her tie one last time before turning around in her seat. With a huff, she pinches Wooyoung's arm as hard as she can.

When the two agents hear a loud, high pitched screech, they know that the Wooyoung they're used to is finally back.

"What was that for!"

"Alright let's go!" Jihyun grins brightly. Her smile grows wider when she sees Mingi's scowl.

As the leader of their little group for the past two years, she's grown close to the two boys. They're best friends now. Best friends who go on dangerous missions together. Best friends who frequently have to watch their loved ones get hurt.

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