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"Gotta go insane to stay sane."
- On by Bts

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trigger Warning: Blood, Violence.

"-and then he dropped the syringe and the green stuff spilled everywhere! Jongho gave out hell to him that day!" Yunho laughs loudly while telling Jihyun stories of what's happened in this lab since the moment he arrived here at first. They both woke up a couple of hours ago and have been sharing stories for the whole time.

"No way! I wouldn't have thought such an advanced scientist would make a rookie mistake like that!" Jihyun also laughs along. The pair face each other in their jail cells, sitting as close to the bars as they can so it feels like they're not separated.

"Are you close with anyone in the gang?" she asks. "Yes! I'm quite close with Jongho and Sangie. Jongho told me that if we both met in different circumstances he'd want to be my friend," he proudly states, puffing up his chest. Jongho's name sends a shudder through Jihyun's body, but she just nods and smiles along.

"Both Jongho and San are kind enough, but sometimes San loses his temper and it's really scary. He gets too determined to perfect his serum and stops treating anyone with respect."

Jihyun can honestly imagine that. Her expectations of each of these men have lowered down to the core of this planet. Moments like now are when she misses Mingi and Wooyoung the most. She silently prays that they're okay.

"What about you? Did you have any close friends before you came here?" Yunho's voice pulls Jihyun back to the present. She can only think of two people she can call close friends.

"I'm actually an agent...a secret agent for the government. My two closest friends were my partners. We've been doing missions together for years and I really miss them," she explains while her heart aches. "You are a spy? That's so cool!" Yunho excitedly bounces up and down like a child. "An agent, not a spy! Although that is exactly what I did...I guess you could say I'm a spy then," she giggles, feeling a new sense of pride in her job.

"Did you come to this gang to spy too?" he curiously asks. Jihyun forces a pained smile. "That was the original plan, but I ended up getting dragged into this mess instead. If we manage to escape though I might get a promotion because this seems like a huge job."

Butterflies swarm Jihyun's stomach as she watches Yunho get excited over everything she says. He seems so full of joy to have a new person to talk to, she can't help but feel happy with him.

However, an unsettling feeling returns to her when she remembers that something will happen today. Will she also lose her memories the same way Yunho did?

As if on cue, the door flies open. Hongjoong storms inside with Seonghwa trailing behind. They both carry straight faces, making it impossible to guess their intentions. "We're here to borrow you for a little while," Hongjoong mumbles while unlocking her cage. Before she can even consider escaping, Seonghwa snatches both of her arms and grips them tightly. He smiles maliciously to her face while shoving her towards the door.

She panickingly turns back to look at Yunho, who also leans forward against the bars of his cell with a confused expression. Quickly enough, the three of them reach the stairs that lead to the mansion.

"Where are you taking me?" she shrieks while using the tiny amount of energy she has to thrash around in Seonghwa's grip. His hands don't budge even a millimetre, as if they're made of concrete. Either that or Jihyun has lost a lot of her strength.

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