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"Don't run away, you'll get hurt."
- Monster by Irene and Seulgi (Red Velvet)

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Jihyun finally closes her mouth when Yunho finishes explaining, not even realising her mouth was hanging open.

"You were a detective?!" she exclaims, still in shock. Yunho bashfully laughs in response. "I guess our professions are way more similar than we thought, huh."

Worry still hangs in the girl's eyes. She pulls Yunho in for a hug. "You went through so much pain and it must hurt a lot to suddenly remember everything in one go, not to mention the emotions you now feel when you remember the basement," she sadly utters. He wraps his arms around her body too, her entire torso fitting between his two arms. "I'm feeling much better already though, don't worry about me too much," he admits. It sounds like he's lying to keep her at ease but in all honestly he really is feeling much better. Maybe the reality of things hasn't sunken in yet.

She pulls back to read his eyes and calms down a bit when she sees that they're relaxed. He must be telling the truth after all.

"So...now that you have your emotions and memories back, do you still like me?" she cheekily asks. Yunho's eyes widen and a red blush rapidly fires around his face. "T-that was sudden," he stutters while avoiding eye contact.

Jihyun manoeuvres into his vision and flashes him puppy-dog eyes. "Am I that ugly that you can't answer?" she teasingly asks. He nearly jumps in shock and waves his hands around frantically. "No! That's not true at all, you're so beautiful that I..." he blurts out before he realises what he's saying. He drifts off and goes back to avoiding her eyes, embarrassed.

How does he tell her that he misses her lips without actually telling her?

"I mean, I get it. Your crush before you came here must be so much better than me," she sighs loudly, playing around with him. She missed seeing his face match the colour of his hair and it brings a blush to her own face too.

He finally whips his head around. "I-" he begins before he makes eye contact with her. That's it, he can't control it anymore.

He takes one deep breath while staring at Jihyun's confused face and nearly jumps into her lips. Her eyes largen and her heart skips several beats. She falls onto her back, Yunho pinning her down easily. He pulls back and Jihyun finally lets out a breath, still in shock.

"I'm sorry for not saying this before but now that I have my memories back, I know it for certain. Jihyun, I love you," he whispers. Once again, her heart leaps into her mouth and she can't stop a small gasp from escaping her.

"I-I love you too," she shyly responds. She doesn't know what she was expecting by provoking Yunho so much but it was definitely not this. Her heart flutters aggressively.

They spend another few minutes on Seonghwa's bed but don't let things get too far. The uncertainty of their situation leaves a lingering feeling of fear in both of them.

They now sit together on the bed, faces still burning.

"So you really don't have anyone else waiting for you outside this mansion?" Jihyun asks to break the silence.

Yunho looks down solemnly. "Just like you, my only friends were my teammates. I wonder how they're doing now?" he asks rhetorically. He wonders if they still remember him. Have they been looking for him? Did they get fired? Do they still think about him?

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