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"You shine just by existing."
- Moon by Bts (Jin)

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The pair spend the next few days bonding with each other and growing closer. They spend their days talking, holding hands and sleeping. There are no disruptions from Jongho or San and Jihyun guesses it's because they're working on revising their formula. Jihyun simply waits for the perfect opportunity to find an escape route. Some nights her wounds get unbearable or the reality of her situation comes crashing down on her, and she cries herself to sleep. But tears are a daily occurance for her at this point and she's learned to accept it.

On the fourth day since the failed test, Yunho and Jihyun nearly lose their minds. No one has sent them food or water for the past two days and the insides of their stomachs are constantly clawing at them. Have they been left to starve to death? Jihyun forces herself to toughen up, not planning on passing away so soon. She needs to expose this gang.

"Will we ever eat again?" Yunho's voice weakly croaks beside her. His voice chips away at her heart slightly. They haven't talked to each other much today, trying to preserve the little amount of energy they have left in them. "Maybe. Maybe not," Jihyun truthfully replies, unsure of their fate as well. Her throat feels scratchy and her tongue dryly sits in the desert of her mouth. What was once saliva is now the sand settled on top of some sand paper. Everything hurts.

Jihyun nearly laughs at her situation. After surviving a gun shot, nearly being whipped to death and after being failed human experiment, she's about to be taken from this life at the hands of starvation. She avoids looking at Yunho however, unsure if she'll be able to bear the pain when she sees him in the horrible condition he's in.

He's still as optimistic as ever but even he can't deny the excruciating pain in his stomach. They both have the urge to throw up but there's nothing to expel from their acidic stomachs. Did the rest of the gang simply forget about feeding them? Or are they being abandoned and left to die? Jihyun's hand itches for Yunho's. She craves the comfort he brings her, but she can't bring herself to move. She doesn't want to bother Yunho either, knowing he's suffering too. She looks down at her pale hands, cringing at how dry and discoloured they are.

Suddenly both of their heads snap up at the sound of the door creaking open. Will they finally get a meal and something to drink? They both perk up in anticipation, mouths already watering at the thought of getting fed again.

When the door is fully opened however, who she sees causes her heart to drop into her stomach.

It's Wooyoung and Mingi.


Mingi and Wooyoung follow Jongho silently in fear. They had been kidnapped and are already being brought to where they'll be held. They don't even know what'll happen to them, they were just told that they'll get to see their group leader again.

"Unfortunately we only have two cells. Either you two will stay upstairs in the luxury bedrooms and they stay here, or you guys stay here and they can go to the luxury bedrooms. This is all temporary of course, only until we get two more cells installed," Jongho explains.

Mingi bites his lip, not liking the sound of things at all. His heart races extremely fast and his mind feels too hazy to make any sensible decisions right now. Wooyoung reacts similarly beside him, too nervous about seeing Jihyun again. Will she be okay?

They finally reach a door, which Jongho doesn't hesitate to open.

They all walk in but very quickly a loud gasp escapes Wooyoung while Mingi nearly falls to his knees. Jihyun's hollow face, sunken cheeks, dark eyes and boney frame sends chills down his spine. The glow that was once on her face has vanished without a trace. She looks like she's in absolutely horrible condition. Mingi's heart pounds loudly. She must have suffered so much down here for the past few weeks, all while he and Wooyoung had no idea.

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