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"I want to be the only one hearing her, she's my melody."
- Tempo by Exo

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After talking for hours, the hunger starts to kick in. Jihyun's face scrunches while her stomach does the same.

She whips her head around when she hears a giggle escape Yunho. "You're hungry, aren't you?" he laughs. "Yes, but I doubt we'll be getting food today," she frowns.

"What if you ate my candy-floss hair?" he jokes, referencing back to when they were talking in the cages. "Candy floss isn't nutritious at all but that doesn't stop me from wanting to eat your hair," she admits with a warm smile.

He grins widely before presenting his scalp of hair to her. "Here, enjoy!"

She laughs loudly while ruffling his fluffy hair under her fingers.

Their little moment is interrupted when the door flies open, revealing a panting Seonghwa. He shuts the door behind him quickly.

"What happened?" Jihyun asks, suddenly alert.

"They're not happy about you guys escaping and are looking around the whole mansion for you. San woke up before I could inject anyone so I brought this with me," he explains in one big breath while presenting the syringe from his pocket. When he's sure everyone's seen it, he runs to his drawer and throws it in.

"It will be safe here, right?" Jihyun questions. Seonghwa clutches his hands into fists as he recalls what Hongjoong said to him at dinner. "Yes, but only for now. You need to go down and inject your friends with the antidote yourself tomorrow, I can't hide you in here for long. I can't help you tomorrow because...yeah," he announces while his heart squirms in his chest. He has betrayed Hongjoong enough, he can't do this for much longer.

Yunho nods. "I think we can do that, right Jihyun?" he answers. She agrees with a nod too. "I really don't like you, but thanks for your help," she finally forces out. A small smile leaves Seonghwa at last. "You guys deserve at least this much," he mumbles.

Jihyun raises an eyebrow and prepares to ask the question that has been plaguing her mind for some time now.

"Why are you being so nice to us suddenly? Isn't it a bit odd to let your hostages roam around freely in your mansion, sleeping in your bedroom?" she asks.

Seonghwa clenches his jaw and takes a seat on a chair. "You both have had an effect on me- no, on me and Yeosang. I guess you reminded us of what we're missing out on and what we've given up. It was the first time we saw two people being so full of life despite going through these things and I'm not going to lie, it's touching," he explains with a sigh. It's clear it's taking a lot of effort for him to admit to these things.

At this moment it hits Jihyun. These men are humans too. She had seen them as nothing less than monsters but they once had lives too, they just made the wrong decisions.

"And you're willing to change and betray your closest friend because of that?" Yunho challenges, mind travelling back to getting shot by Seonghwa.

Once again, Seonghwa feels his heart constricting. "I-I don't really know...I feel horrible for doing this to him when he has helped me countless times in the past. If he goes down then I want to go down with him, not that I have a choice anyway. I don't want to betray Hongjoong, but maybe he really does need professional help at last," he sadly utters.

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