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"Thought that would be enough, guess I'm only human after all."
- Life Goes On by Bts

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Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, Death

Hongjoong's Time Pt. 2

15 Years ago

Hongjoong sits outside on his own in the playground of the hospital. It's the recreational time for the patients. Some kids chase each other in a game of tag, some kids sit together with provided snacks. Some kids sit alone like Hongjoong.

His apathetic eyes travel over each child. They all look quite bored to him. There are only several kids, the psychiatric hospital rapidly running out of money. It's only a matter of time before they get investigated for their shady business. He's the patient that has been here the longest, everyone else being collected by their parents in only a few weeks.

That's not the case for him though, this being his fifth year confined in this building. His parents have even let it slip before, it's a convenience for them to not have to see him as much anymore and they're glad he can live elsewhere. They've said it themselves: they want nothing to do with their nuisance of a son ever again. They would- no, they do pay to keep him away from them.

He's also pretty sure how badly the staff treat him is illegal, but he couldn't be bothered to be hurt by the fact. Why should someone care for a random child that even their own parents abandoned?

He's lucky enough that this hospital breaks the rules by letting him visit home. Though he hates it there. He hates it at home, but he also despises staying at this hospital. However, a few months ago the visits stopped. His parents finally got sick of him and banned him from ever visiting again.

It's a shame really. The only joy the boy ever got anymore was the precious time he got to spend with his sister. She is the only person in this world who doesn't regard him with fear or blatant hatred. She is the only thing that keeps him going.

He has had a nurse assigned specially to monitor him as he causes too much trouble with the other children. Even now, she stands at the edge of the playground and watches him carefully.

One would think that a personal nurse would be kind and caring, but it has been the opposite for Hongjoong. This woman treats him like a rabid animal. That's all he is in their eyes anyway.

He smirks slightly to himself while staring at his nurse on the other side of the playground. He's sure she will take back that look of disgust on her face later in the day.

At last, they start leading the kids back in. It must be time for the daily check-ups. While everyone else gets to go to the doctor's office, Hongjoong is forced to have his check-up privately in his own room with minimal equipment. They've learned their lesson after one scalpel attack in the past.

He scoffs while walking to the room himself. This treatment for him can't possibly be allowed. He's nearly certain these people have no right to treat him like this but there's nothing he can do about it. He questions whether this hospital is even trying to improve his mental health. They won't even explain what's wrong with him, only telling him that he's "mentally insane," as if he didn't figure that out himself already.

He suspects the reason things went wrong in his brain has something to do with the conditions he grew up under, but who is he to come to that conclusion? He's as much of a professional as the staff at this psychiatric hospital are.

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