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"Don't worry, go over the wave."
- Wave by Ateez

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The gang leader and Jihyun stare wordlessly at each other for a few seconds.

"Hongjoong!" Yeosang cheerfully calls out from behind. The snow haired man's features soften and a small smile paints his lips. "Hey Yeosang," He waves.

Jihyun's breathing starts to quicken again. She stares daggers into the man. She recalls how he simply held that rose while she was bleeding out from getting shot. He didn't seem so bad before but maybe he's more sly than she thought.

The smile on Hongjoong's face grows larger. "Welcome! What's your name?"

She stays staring at him with a scowl.

"I've got to admit, your makeup and acting were pretty damn impressive. I'm terribly sorry about what Seonghwa did to you, I've told him many times in the past to only use the gun as a last resort. We had to explain a lot to the party guests because of his mistakes," The leader continues.

When he still doesn't hear a response from the girl, he nods to himself. Suddenly he swoops down to eye level and the grin on his face stretches from ear to ear. His eyes widen but at the same time there's something darker to be seen.

"I look forward to your recovery, Lee Jihyun," He whispers.

He straightens up again and clears his throat. With one last smirk, he walks away again.

Jihyun gulps loudly, stunned. What suddenly happened to his face? And how did he know her name even when she didn't tell him? He must have stolen her wallet and taken a peek at her ID. He creeps the girl out.

Yeosang starts pushing the chair forward again, behaving as if nothing just happened.

The two eventually reach a wooden door in the middle of the hallway. Yeosang opens the unlocked door and switches the lights on without wasting any more time. The girl's jaw drops open at the sight of the room.

Matching with the rest of the house, the bedroom's elegance stands out to her. A large king sized bed sits in the middle of the room. A grand painting of a dark forest hangs on the navy blue wall above the headboard. The rest of the walls are a crisp white, with more small paintings to decorate them. A royal blue couch is against the left wall and there's a glass coffee table in front of it. On the right wall is a door, probably leading to a bathroom.

Jihyun can't hold in her loud gasp when she sees the room. "Why are you giving me such a nice room?" She asks, genuinely shocked. Even the best hotel she's ever been to didn't have a room as great as this.

"We want you to enjoy your time you have in this mansion before..." Yeosang trails off. The girl's head whips around to read his expression. To her dismay, he holds a straight face.

"Rest here for a while. I'm sure someone will come and talk to you about other stuff later," He sweetly explains, already turning back to the door he entered through. This time the girl ignores him as she continues to observe the room. Does every room here have a chandelier?

As soon as the door shuts, she rolls herself over the dark wooden floor towards the bathroom. She manages to swing the door open with a bit of effort. She rolls onto the shiny white marble tiles and at this point she isn't as shocked but still very taken aback by the quality.

Both the bedroom and the bathroom are incredibly large, making it easy for her to make her way around in the wheelchair. She rolls to the giant bed with its silky blue blanket. She heaves herself onto the bed, mentally thanking herself for building up the muscles in her arm before. She's surprised she still somehow has strength left in them despite not working out for a week.

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