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"Congratulations for being born as you are."
- Celebrate by Ateez

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Trigger warning: Guns, Blood

Yunho's Dreams

2 Years ago

Yunho carefully flicks through the files in his hands one last time beside his car. Three of his other friends that work with him nervously stand beside him.

"You guys ready? From what we've found, this gang is pretty dangerous," Yunho asks the small group of men.

"Honestly, no we're not ready. We're just small inexperienced detectives! Once the higher-ups find out that we investigated a case that they told us not to do, we'll lose our jobs," one man whines. Yunho straightens up with a smirk.

"Why are you here then? Leave this group right now if you feel like licking the higher-ups' boots rather than saving innocent lives," Yunho shrugs. His friend sighs and shrinks. "This is what I don't like about you, you always know exactly what to say to change my mind. I know I'll regret this but I guess it's better for us to lose our jobs than for more people to lose their lives, right?"

Yunho smiles and pats the man on his back. "Now we're talking! Alright everyone, get into the car," he orders.

Out of everyone in the little group, Yunho has the most experience and is the most senior at work too. The other men are fairly new to the job and quite young too, which is perfect for Yunho. That just means that they still have a strong sense of justice within them, corruption not having hit them yet.

Yunho is on the verge of being fired. He's been caught secretly investigating this case already and has been threatened too, but will he let that stop him?

Absolutely not.

He jumps into the driver's seat and starts the car.

As they drive to their destination, the other boys converse about random things, clearly trying to get their minds off the stress of this case.

However, Yunho cannot stop thinking about it.

What first seemed like a simple murder case rose some suspicion in him when the case was suddenly shut down without even being solved. Yunho met with the detective in charge of the case and learned as much as he could. Nothing was known about the murderers, which intrigued Yunho even more.

He gathered some friends and a new detective he was in charge of training to help him secretly investigate. The results of his research shocked him as it was something beyond his belief.

He found out that there was a gang who has been kidnapping people. These people were later found dead at a random location a few days to weeks later. But what surprised him is that there's nothing in common with the victims. It's as if the gang just randomly picked people from the street, making them quite dangerous.

What's even more suspicious is that only two members have ever been spotted around these murders. Yunho doesn't like this uneasy feeling he gets while thinking about the case. On top of everything, the higher-ups have been trying to silence him. Why are these people so desperate to protect this gang?

After meeting some witnesses, Yunho has a location in mind that he'd like to investigate. It's likely that this location is the gang's "hideout" as the two members have been caught there frequently, which would help his investigation even more.

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