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"You see my hope was all but gone."
- Superhuman by NCT127

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Jihyun wakes up to the sound of the buzzing of lights and metal clinking against glass. The silence scares her. The next thing to grab her attention is the fizzling pain in her stomach. Each shallow breath brings excruciating pain.

Her eyes slowly flutter open. The blinding light above her forces her to shut her eyes again immediately. The smell of chemicals sting her nose, causing her to involuntarily scrunch it up slightly. Her heart jumps in her chest when she hears a soft giggle.

"Good morning! It's great to see that you're awake."

Her eyes open again, this time staring at the man beside her. His fluffy blond hair seems messy and his mullet brushes off the collar of his white lab coat every time he moves. His face looks kind, with no malicious intent.

The room is dark with no light except for the bright lamp shining straight down on the girl. On top of that it's a small room, cramped with a small table, the bed she's lying down on and an IV drip. 

"Where am I?" Is the first among many questions Jihyun asks. "Yes, ask away! I'll answer everything. Right now you're at...my house? No, an infirmary I work at? A room inside a building I live in?" He answers as if he's not too sure himself. Jihyun quirks an eyebrow at his ambiguous response.

"Are you a doctor?" 

The man looks down at his lab coat and stethoscope. "Take a guess!"

She feels the urge to roll her eyes at his responses, but holds back. "Are you with...them?" She hesitantly asks, flinching at the memory of when she got shot.

He cheerfully continues to arrange his tools, pretending as if he hadn't even heard the girl.

"I'll give you a summary of your physical health. You lost a lot of blood and have been unconscious and pretty unstable for a week. Your condition has improved but you're not completely recovered yet. I don't recommend moving around a lot, but I doubt you'll be doing much of that here anyway."

Jihyun huffs at the fact he ignored her question, but she regrets it instantly when pain shoots through her body again making her wince. The doctor jumps when he sees her in pain. "The pain killers, I almost forgot!" He quickly returns to fidgeting with the instruments and vials on the table.

She starts thinking about his response more. She's been unconscious for a whole week? Is she kidnapped? If so, one week should be more than enough time for Mingi and Wooyoung to find her if she's still in the same mansion as the party. Does the gang own more than one property?

Her injury makes it nearly impossible for her to even dream of escaping by herself. She stays calm and collected as she tries to think of ways to fight in a wheelchair. Unfortunately, her heart sinks when she comes to the realisation that she has been and will continue to be completely vulnerable for a while.

"Luckily the bullet didn't do any...irreversable damage to your organs, so you'll recover much better. I'd say two days on a wheelchair is all you'll need before you can walk again," he explains while injecting the pain killer into the IV bag.

"And how long until I can go back home?" She challenges. Just as she suspected, he stays silent while turning to his table again.

"By the way, my name's Kang Yeosang. I'll always be here for you if you need me."

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