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"It's not the end until I say so."
- Superhuman by Nct127

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Trigger Warning: Slight blood, Needles.

"Hello!" an enthusiastic voice calls out from beside Jihyun. She nearly falls over out of shock as her head whips to the side. She hadn't actually looked to her left, only to the empty space on her right.

When she turns to the left she sees a man sitting in the jail cell beside her, also hugging his knees to his chest. His eyes sparkle widely and his mouth is smiling excitedly. His fluffy pink hair sits over his forehead.

"Hi?" she cautiously asks. He doesn't seem malicious but she can't be too safe anymore. "My name is Yunho! What's yours?" he asks while stretching his arms out to the side. His long arms nearly hit the sides of the cells and he adorably releases a loud yawn. "My name is Jihyun," she straight forwardly replies. She still feels solemn after realising her situation from a few minutes ago.

But what confuses her is how cheerful the boy beside her is. What if he's also a strange scientist? If he is though, why would he be in a cage too? She shudders at his giant friendly eyes and turns back around to face the cupboards under the countertop.

"Don't be too sad! It's not that bad here at all!" he chirps. "How long have you been here?" she decides to finally ask.

"Only a few months. I think," he looks up and taps his chin cutely. Only?

"What kind of stuff do the scientists do to you?" Her voice shakes a bit as she asks, slightly afraid to hear the answer. "Nothing serious, they just do some tests on me and then inject some weird liquid into me. But after that they let me come back to this cozy little room so it's all worth it in my opinion," he smiles. What could they be testing? It's beyond messed up to be doing experimentation on humans, especially without their consent...

Yunho's positivity makes her feel a bit sick. She looks into his cell and does notice a few differences though. Her cage has absolutely nothing inside it. Only the concrete floor, which keeps her cold. Meanwhile in Yunho's cage there's a fluffy rug underneath him, a soft pillow and a blanket. 

"Where did you get all that stuff from?" she wonders out loud. "Jongho and Sangie gave them to me! They're so kind!"

Her mouth drops open in shock. "Sangie?" Is this the nickname of Yeosang? Her mind travels to everyone else in the gang upstairs. They must have betrayed her too.

The door Jongho and San left through opens again. Jongho enters with two trays in his hands. He silently walks to Jihyuns cell and unlocks a little area of the metal bars to slide the tray in before locking it again. He then walks over to Yunho and a smile grows on his lips.

"Hey Yunho! How are you today?" he asks warmly. He passes the tray to Yunho as well, but with much more care. Yunho eagerly sits up. "I'm great! I'm glad I finally have another new roomate," he laughs loudly. Jongho joins in with the laughter while Jihyun stares at them both with concern. She feels uneasy watching them interact. Ever since seeing Jongho's true colours, hatred started pooling in her.

Jongho's eyes flick to Jihyun followed by a scowl. He quickly gets up again with a bored expression and walks towards the door. "Everything from the moment I got here, was that all fake?" Jihyun shouts to him. He freezes and turns his head to glare at her.

"You've disgusted me from the very second I saw you," he spits, words full of venom before stomping out the door. He turns his head one last time. "Yeosang can't lie so he just stays quiet. I, on the other hand, couldn't care less about making fake promises," he utters, before shutting the door. Jihyun falls back and her heart shatters into a million pieces. She regards the bowl of porridge on the tray in front of her and nearly throws up thinking about what just happened.

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