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"With the stars as lights,
I borrowed the songs of birds,
We dance alone on the night sky."
- Like a Movie by B1A4

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trigger warning: Needles

Jihyun's eyes open to the sight of the top of Yunho's pink hair. When it finally clicks with her that his face is stuffed into the crook of her neck with his arm wrapped around her, she burns up. She wasn't expecting to experience this feeling right when she woke up.

Her eyes travel around the room and she finds Seonghwa still sleeping on his couch. 

She nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears knocks on the door.

"Hwa? I'm coming in," Hongjoong's voice sweetly calls. Seonghwa's eyes fly open and he leaps off the couch. "Give me a second, I'm naked!" he lies, half forgetting that there are others in the room. His eyes meet Jihyun's and his face starts to redden.

"Since when do you hide when you're naked? But okay, I'll wait here," Hongjoong responds playfully.

"You and Yunho need to hide, I'll try to get Hongjoong to leave as soon as possible," he whispers to Jihyun. She nods and turns to Yunho who simply tightens his grip on her. As much as it pains her to do so, she lightly shakes him.

His eyes slowly flutter open and he smiles when he sees her face. "Morning," he grumbles before nuzzling his nose back into her shoulder. Her heart dances in her chest but at the same time her nerves bother her.

"We need to hide, Hongjoong's here!" she hisses. He suddenly becomes alert and pulls away from her. "Right," he breathes.

The pair creep off the bed and tip-toe to Seonghwa's bathroom. Seonghwa nods to them as they close the door.

Jihyun unconsciously holds her breath. Her and Yunho stand beside the door just in case and stay cautious.

They hear the bedroom door opening.

"Morning! Let's go now. Jongho and San-" Hongjoong begins, but Seonghwa cuts him off.

"Oh yes. I'll just get changed and meet you in the dining room," Seonghwa nervously interrupts. Jihyun hears footsteps and clenches her jaw.

"I was thinking of skipping breakfast together today. Let's just eat on the job since we need to wait for-" Hongjoong starts again before he's interrupted. "Yes, you're right. I'll go straight there then," Seonghwa quickly responds.

Jihyun raises an eyebrow. Why isn't Seonghwa letting Hongjoong speak? Is he hiding something?

"Very well then. We don't have time to waste so hurry," Hongjoong orders in a stern tone, unlike his soft one from moments ago.

She hears the door closing again and Seonghwa sighing loudly. He walks to the bathroom himself and opens the door. "You guys really should go soon. In about fifteen minutes you can head to the basement since we'll all be gone to monitor the areas we were assigned. But..." he trails off. He plays with his fingers nervously and thinks hard.

"Maybe-" he tries, before shutting his mouth again. It seems like he wants to say something important, but why won't he? He looks quite conflicted and his breaths quicken.

"Never mind," he mumbles quietly before turning around and rushing away. Jihyun bites her lip. "Do you think he was going to say something important?" Jihyun wonders out loud. Yunho shrugs. "Honestly, yeah. But it's probably not something we'll need today so let's just ask him about it after we save Mingi and Wooyoung," he replies.

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