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"Not shy to say I want you."
- Not Shy by Itzy

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A little girl cries all alone, collapsed on the footpath. She cradles her arm close to her body.

A young boy runs up to her as fast as his legs can take him. "Jangmi! Are you okay?" he worriedly expresses, crouching down beside her. Her crying stops and she just sniffles quietly. "I fell and hurt my arm," she mumbles while presenting her elbow to her brother.

He examines the cut and blows softly on it. "Let's go to mom and dad. They'll give you a plaster for it, okay?" He gently helps her up and holds the hand that isn't hurt. She nods subtly. "Thanks, brother."

The two walk towards the house together which is only a few metres away. The girl's arm no longer hurts like it did moments ago now that she's by her older brother's side. She feels secure with someone she can trust so much. She can always feel at ease beside her brother.

As soon as they enter the house the brother calls out for their mother. She approaches the two happily until she notices the siblings' hands joined. Her hand flies over her mouth and she screams in shock. The brother's breathing quickens and he's filled with fear once again.
He doesn't want to leave already, he wants to spend more time with his beloved sister.

The father comes storming down the stairs, alerted by the scream. As soon as he sees his children together, his daughter injured, he too looks petrified. He dashes towards the two and rips their hands apart.

"What do you think you're doing to her?" he screams at the boy. The brother hangs his head in shame. "I didn't hurt her, I was just trying to help," he tries, but the father doesn't buy it. The little girl's tears start flowing again after seeing her brother get screamed at for no reason.

"It's not his fault, I fell by myself," she tries to explain through sobs. The father's head whips around to her for a second before returning to the brother. "How dare you do this to her, you monster! You don't deserve even this much," he growls while grabbing the boy's arm.

"Don't take him away again! I promise it was my fault!" she shouts to her parents. They regard her solemnly before the father starts dragging the boy towards their car at last. "I'm sorry! Don't do this please!" she sobs louder and louder, grabbing onto her brother's other arm. Her elbow stings but she doesn't care anymore.

The brother looks at her with a sad smile. "It's okay, let's play next time," he reassures her. Her grip finally loosens and she watches her brother get shoved into the back seat of the car while her dad jumps into the driver's seat. She can't control the dam of tears in her eyes as she watches them drive away.


Jihyun's eyes slowly open. She feels sad after experiencing that dream- no, memory. Her fingers touch her cheek and she feels fresh tears stained on them. She automatically lets out a sigh.

"Were you having a nightmare?" Yunho asks. She turns her head to see the candy floss haired boy lying on his belly, his head propped up with his hands. He looks like he's been observing her for a while now.

"How long were you watching for?" she grumbles. He smiles guiltly. "Just a little while...don't avoid my question!"

Jihyun smiles, but she doesn't feel one bit cheerful. "I had an unpleasant dream but it was actually a memory," she starts. "What happened in it?" he innocently questions. The girl thinks for a second, wondering if she should just tell him or wait some more so she can trust him fully. At last she decides to trust Yunho.

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