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"My heart with an open wound is already full of your fingerprints."
- Criminal by Taemin

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trigger warning: Needles

Jihyun gasps quietly. She's going to be the test subject for a new serum?

San approaches her cage in a brisk manner and he seems quite excited. The girl panickingly turns to Yunho, who simply throws her a comforting smile. She bites her lip as the cell is being unlocked. This is it. She's going to become like the other boy. Completely changed thanks to the malpractice of two evil scientists.

San grabs her arm tightly even though she doesn't attempt to fight back. The whip scars on her back still throb and she doesn't have the strength or energy to defend herself. She follows the scientist to another room. She recognises it as the same one she got her initial check-up in. The bed stares back at her invitingly.

"I need to check everything with you before we start just in case," he mumbles while shuffling through a pile of papers. His face lights up when he finds the right one and he starts to pull out the rope to tie her down again. "We can never be too safe," he giggles while tying her limbs down.

The whole time, Jihyun blankly stares at the ceiling, trying to block out the screaming pain in her back. She doesn't even bother wasting her attention on her arms and legs being tied down, only thinking about what will happen to her. Will she become a failed experiment like Yunho, restricted to feeling only certain emotions? Or will she be the very first successful result, whatever that may be?

She flinches a bit when she feels that familiar pinch of the needle in her arm again. She tries to pull her mind away from that and think about something else instead, but doesn't get the chance when San suddenly hops over to her head and flashes a torch straight into her eye.

She clenches her fists, trying to keep her cool. She needs to stay calm for the sake of her back. But does that matter anymore? Will she even be fully human in a few minutes?

"While Jongho quickly analyses your blood, let's have a little casual conversation. Do you smoke or drink a lot?" San asks, clicking his pen while holding up his clipboard. Jihyun rolls her eyes, baffled by how he is trying to cover up an obvious attempt at gathering more medical information from her.

"No," she answers simply, not bothered to argue. She feels quite literally drained after getting her blood taken, even more than before.

"Any allergies?" he asks now, not even trying to hide it anymore as he furiously scribbles down. The girl shakes her head weakly, holding a deep frown on her face. San smirks at her state.

"Any...last words?" He finally clicks the pen off and sets the clipboard down. Jihyun's eyes widen and her mouth drops open. "W-What?" she stutters. Is she going to die after this test, just like every single test subject after Yunho?

Suddenly San bursts out laughing, tears brimming in his eyes. "I'm joking! You should have seen the look on your face!" he exclaims while wheezing uncontrollably. The corners of Jihyun's mouth don't even think about turning upward. Instead she feels even more exhausted. When will this torment and fear end? Maybe dying after a failed attempt of this experiment wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Stay focused and check the computer," Jongho's annoyed voice comes muffled through a walkie-talkie on the counter top. San turns on his heel and brings his focus to the computer. He studies the screen thoroughly before clapping loudly. "Everything looks good! Let's go," he sings. He dances while untying her ropes and whistling loudly. As if her head spinning wasn't enough, San's whistling strikes her nerves violently. She really fights to keep her patience.

As soon as he's done, he picks a syringe up from the table. "Peekaboo!" he playfully squeaks, holding the pointy tip high. Before Jihyun even gets the chance to feel confused, he swiftly slides the needle into her arm again, purposely choosing he exact same spot she got her blood taken from.

She hisses in pain, wanting to cry out at the same time. She glares staight at San, who ignores her while sloppily slapping a bandage onto her arm.

All of a sudden the girl's knees feel even weaker and she fights to keep herself upright, the same way she felt last time he injected her when she tried to escape. It must be the same chemical then.

San tightly grips her arm and pulls her into a new room. This one also has a bed in the middle but it's much much larger than the other room, tons of machinery surrounding the walls. Even the bed seems more advanced as it has metal cuffs on it instead of cheap rope. There's another giant window on one wall, Jongho standing on the other side. He seems bored and probably tired of waiting for his partner who likes to take his sweet time while playing around.

Many tubes of different diameters are already set up around the bed, twisting like tentacles. "You can already guess where you'll be staying for the duration," San cheekily taunts while shoving her onto the bed. This time he's much rougher with the cuffs and he tightly secures them. Before the girl can complain, he grabs needles that are hanging from the ends of the tubes and directs them into Jihyun's arm rapidly. "Just stay calm and I'll see you later...hopefully." He waves her goodbye quickly after uttering those worrying words and scurries out of the room. Shortly afterwards he's seen standing beside Jongho, gathering documents and fumbling with buttons on computers and machinery.

This room is much darker and colder than every other room in this wretched basement. A refreshing look compared to the sickening luminous green, this room is a faint deep dark blue. There are only dim lights in the corners of the room, the rest barely visible. On one hand it feels cleaner to see a more colours clearly again, but on the other hand she's literally strapped to a bed.

Her heart is beating a mile a minute and her eyes flicker between each tube, feeling sick to her stomach in fear. Nothing happens for a few minutes, only San messing with more buttons. Her mind grows more alert to the sound of the machines starting around her. A light whirring can be heard from her left ear and a louder hum from her right. She can faintly feel the vibrations shaking through the needle and into her arm, making her want to scratch her arms until they bleed.

All four tubes attached to her start to change. A bright green liquid starts to slide through the tubes. It smoothly runs along and within no time at all, it happens. The liquid finally enters her bloodstream. Entering through a multitude of tubes, she can nearly feel the liquid circulating around her. One of the tubes seems to be helping her circulate her blood seperately.

Every area inside her body feels like it suddenly erupts into flames and it burns intensely. She tried so hard to hold it in before, but she simply can't anymore. A high screech escapes her, but she's too focused on the fire in her veins to care. More screams leave her as she twitches in her place. Tears start to stream down her face at the same time and her head turns back and forth in discomfort. Why wouldn't they give her anesthesia for this? It feels like concentrated acid is being pumped through her. Should it sting this bad?

After what feels like hours of pumping, Jihyun's throat feels raw and severely scratched. That doesn't stop her from screaming, although it's much weaker than the start. She still tries to desperately squeeze her way out of the cuffs but with no success.

One of the machines stops making its noise and when the pain runnning through her blood dims down in the slightest, she sighs out of relief. Not too long after, the second machine also comes to a halt. She blinks slowly, completely exhausted after such a horrifying experience.

A few seconds later, Jongho walks in. He holds a scarily serious expression. "How are you feeling?" he foolishly asks. Jihyun stares back at him, face puffy from crying her eyes out. She feels like she was literally scooped out. Her whole body hurts on the inside this time instead of the outside and she feels her energy running drier and drier.

He slightly smirks while writing on his clipboard. Jihyun feels a small flicker of anger somewhere deep down within her but she can't even function properly right now. This whole situation is his fault.

"Do you think you can stay conscious for much longer?" he asks, noticing how her eyelids keep drooping. Her face looks tired and sick at the same time, her cheeks hollowed out.

Jihyun opens her mouth to respond, only for the black from the corner of her eyes to leak into the rest of her vision, allowing sleep to take over.

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