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"It doesn't matter what you do, I just want you to be unhappy."
- Daisy by Pentagon

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Trigger warning: Needles, blood, death

San's Resolution and Jongho's Wanderings pt. 2

5 Years ago

Hongjoong smiles delightfully when he sees the two students step forward in agreement to the experiment.

"Very well then! Seonghwa, can you bring the test subject please?" Hongjoong sweetly sings. Test subject? Jongho freezes up suddenly. It hits him like a truck- this is very wrong. Testing on human beings...if something goes wrong then it's over for the person being tested on. Is it really worth it to ditch his humanity just for science?

He nervously glances over to San and notices him reacting similarly. San bites his lip and stares at his feet, thinking hard. They both have a feeling in their gut that they shouldn't be doing this, but at the same time their desperation eats them up. Maybe it would have been a better idea to have skipped grades and graduated early after all. At least then their desire for something new would have been be fulfilled.

Finally, Seonghwa walks in. Both Jongho and San look up.

Gasps escape San and Jongho at the sight of Seonghwa carrying in an unconscious woman. Her limbs limply swing back and forth before the man finally sets her down onto the table.

"I-Is she consenting of this experiment?" San asks nervously. He doesn't even notice his hands shaking. Part of him can guess she is not consenting. "Of course she is! What kind of monster do you think I am?" Hongjoong laughs loudly. Jongho and San join into the laughter uncomfortably.

Seonghwa walks over to the table and sets down two syringes and some cotton. Jongho clutches his hands into fists. Syringes in a room like this? Never a good sign.

"Allow me to explain. What exactly is experimentation about? You try out different things until you find the right one, isn't it? You observe the results and if they're not satisfactory, then what do you do?" Hongjoong declares.

"You adjust the procedure and keep trying again and again until it works," Jongho firmly responds, even though he's on edge. "Correct! Now, in front of you are two syringes. Both of them have an unknown substance in them, it's up to you both to experiment with them on this woman here and find which one will wake her up! Let's see how great the teamwork of two genius scientists really is," Hongjoong announces.

San reaches a hand out to pick up a syringe to inspect it but his hand gets pulled away before he can. Jongho pulls him to the corner of the room and turns him away from the suspicious men. "This seems very wrong. That girl could be kidnapped," he whispers. San nods. "I agree, Hongjoong suggested that one of the syringes will wake her up but what will the other do?" San replies.

"If I were to make an educated guess, it could kill her," Jongho sighs quietly. San looks to the ground and furrows his eyebrows. "Could we save her too though? If she is kidnapped, we have the power of saving her with science. Don't you trust our skill?"

Jongho fidgets with his fingernails restlessly. "Plus, if we don't do anything we might end up just like her," San sadly admits. Jongho still feels like something is wrong. Should he really be putting his trust into these men? Maybe that woman really is just waiting for someone to save her though...

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