Chapter one

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"Get off me Sana..." I complained as I laid on a patch of grass in the school yard.

"Why? You usually like it when I do it" Sana sat up and gave me a pouty face.

"Yeah, but not when my crush is looking straight at us" I replied glancing over at Nayeon who was eating food with some of her friends.

"Wooow, so you're gonna pick looking single over making me feel comfortable" Sana was acting fake offended and I just rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Can you relax? You're drawing attention to us" I whined again. Sana smirked at me as she climbed on me.

"I can really make a scene if you want me too heheh" She licked her lips as she tried to kiss me.

"Uhm excuse me...." Sana stopped as the principal stood next to us looking down with a very unimpressed look on his face.

"You two, my office... now!" We both put our heads down in shame as we made our way across the school yard. Nayeon and her friends were staring at us from the distance and I turned my attention to Sana.

"This is your fault Sana..."

"Haha yeah sureee, you weren't trying to stop me, so I think we're equally at fault here" Sana replied as she reached for my arm. I backed away because I didn't want to get in more trouble. We eventually made it to the principals office and he sat us down. There was an awkward silence as he stared at us.

"You two do realize that this is a school right? This is not a place for dating" I sighed

"Sir, we aren't dating. She was just trying to be funny and you showed up at a bad time" I explained trying to get us to get the least problems,

"Mhm... so trying to kiss and showing PDA is considered as funny nowadays huh?" He didn't seem convinced.

"Please, we weren't doing that! It was just jokes" Sana responded giving him a sincere look.

"Right... well I'm giving you two a punishment regardless. Because you're making me waste my time" He opened a drawer and pulled out a box.

"What's that sir?" Sana asked as he put the box down on the table.

"Your punishment, I want you two to deliver this too a old lady that runs a sushi shop downtown for me. Do that and I won't write you two up and contact your parents" I looked at Sana and she took the box.

"Yes sir" We both replied in unison as we stood up from our seats.

"Good, now please leave. I have other things then teenage lovers to deal with" He shoo'ed us away and we left the office. Sana was giggling as she stared at me.

"What?" I asked

"Teenage lovers... ahaha" She started laughing and I sighed.

"You wish" I replied as I took the box out her hand.

"I wish? I can get any boy or girl at this school, meanwhile I haven't seen you in a relationship since that Jennie girl from fourth grade" She had a smug look on her face and I just rolled my eyes at her.

"You're lucky you're my best friend, otherwise I wouldn't have let you get away with your smug comment" I chuckled and she playfully hit my arm.

"Sure sure... let's just deliver this stupid package, I don't wanna deal with my parents scolding if I get written up" Sana said as she took my hand and we left the school.

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