Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Jeez can you two cut it out? I feel like I'm watching the start of a lesbian porn" I complained as I watched Momo and Sana hand feed each other breakfast.

"What?! Are you jealous? We can feed you too!" Sana offered as she held up a strawberry to my face.

"Nah I'm good... it's just weird seeing my sister and you being like this" I replied as I grabbed the strawberry out her hand.

"What? Why? I always had to look at you two be all lovey dovey for years! And it's fine because we don't have any intention of getting in the way of you two anyways" Momo replied as she grabbed the strawberry out my hand and stuffed it in her mouth.

"Oh my god! I'm fucking engaged to Tzuyu! How many times do I need to say this?!" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You're engaged to Tzuyu, but you're cuddling other women naked? Something seems off... also you don't even have a ring" They both started to giggle.

"Okay I'm leaving this conversation" I got up from my seat and I went into the living room. I took out my phone and I decided to call Tzuyu. I missed her and those two was getting on my nerves. I pushed her number and I waited for her to pick up. She never did... I think I called about 10 times without a answer.

"Must be busy with work" I laid my phone on my chest as I laid my head back.

"Y/n massage our feet!" I heard them both yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah not happening" I mumbled to myself as I quickly left the house. The weather had cleared out nicely from yesterday. Birds were chirping, the skies were blue, the sun shined on me. I walked around aimlessly when my pocket started vibrating.

"TZUYU!" I thought to myself as a smile formed on my face. I quickly grabbed the phone and looked at the ID. I didn't recognise the number but I picked up anyways.


"Ah yes hello, is this Y/n?"

"Yes? Who's this?"

"It's Mr Sato, your sister gave me your number"

"Oh... why you calling?"

"I was wondering if you could make one last delivery for me? You're the only one I trust to deliver this package"

"Oh... Sure I ain't got nothing happening today anyways, where you want me to collect it?"

"Come to the school, I'll be waiting in the school yard"


I hung up the phone and I began making my way to school. Another delivery? Who hell do I look like? The mail man? I better be rewarded or something... after a twenty minute walk I finally arrived at the school. I spotted Mr Sato holding a box.

"Mr Sato!" I yelled getting his attention.

"Ah there you are" we both walked towards each other and met halfway.

"Okay who's this for?" I asked as he handed me the box.

"I cannot tell you, you'll just have to find out. This is the address now hurry. This package is important!" He handed me a piece of paper with a address on it. He turned me around and sent me on my way. I had to take out my phone and search up the address. It seemed to be a white house on some upper class community. I didn't think to much about it as I follows the GPS on my phone. The box smelled quite good as I carried it around. It definitely had food inside, probably why he was in a hurry to get this delivered. I better get a bite of it before I leave otherwise this wasn't worth it.

"No... no... no..- ah here!" I said as I looked at all the addresses of the houses I passed. I put my phone away and I walked up to the front door. I rang the doorbell.

"Come inside!" I heard a girls voice shout from inside the house.

"If you insist..." I muttered under my breath followed by a slight chuckle as I laughed at my own dirty joke. I made my way inside.

"I have a package from Mr Sato I'm supposed to deliver?!" I called out as I entered the living room. The place was quite modern looking. Kinda empty but fancy.

"That's great! Just put it on the table" the voice called out. I did as the voice asked and I placed the package on the living room table.

"So uh... I'll leave now? I guess?" I said.

"No wait! Mr Sato said I should meet you!" The voice called out as I heard light footsteps approaching. As I thought about it the voice was familiar, but I couldn't place my finger exactly on it.

"Um hey! I'm Min-" we both froze as I made eye contact with her.

"M-Mi-Mina?!" I felt light headed.

"Y-Y/n?!" My vision turned blurry then black.

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