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Okay ugh... what a awkward situation, having to deliver Tzuyu to her parents like this. I just wanna get some peace for one day... I felt tired of sitting in the car all day so it was I nice change when I parked outside Sana's parents house. I hopped out the car and I rang the door bell. I half expected Sana's mom to open the door as she did earlier when I arrived with Tzuyu but to my surprise, I was greeted by Sana's brown orbs staring at me.

"Hey..." She greeted in a kinda upset tone.

"You mad at me?" I asked as I put my hand on her shoulder and her expression quickly changed from neutral to pouty.

"N-No... I... I'm just tired of all the bullshit that's happening, I thought it was gonna be us now and she still shows up..." She put her head down and I quickly pulled her into a hug.

"I know... I'm sorry okay? It wasn't planned, I already told you what happened at the house-" she broke from the hug and slapped me.

"STOP! I don't wanna hear anymore damn explanations or reasonings with you! Understand me?! I don't wanna hear another fucking word about Tzuyu or any other woman in your life okay?!" I rubbed my cheek.

"O-Ok... did you have to slap me?" Her gaze turned apologetic.

"Sorry... just sometimes it gets on my nerves when you always have to have a excuse or explanation for things... I just don't want to hear about these things anymore. Just us, okay?"  I nodded at her. Seems like we both want peace after all. I chuckled a little and she gave me a strange look.


"Okay I know you don't want me to talk about woman in my life, but don't slap me. But I think we can go to Momo now" Her eyes widened slightly.

"Oh right, uhm okay let me get ready"

Momo POV


My eyes shot open as loud noises came from my living room. I groaned slightly as I climbed off my bed and poked my head out my bedroom. I saw Sana and Y/n carrying a assortment of clothes and other things into my living room.

"Did you guys have to be so loud?" I complained from the doorway, grabbing their attention quickly.

"Sorry, Momo some of this stuff is heavy" Y/n responded as he walked out the door, presumably to get more things to fill my apartment with. I quickly made my way over and hugged Sana from the side.

"Soooo? How are things looking between you two?~" I asked in a cheery tone.

"Heh well... I had a stern talk to him and I think he's serious about it just being us"

"That's good, is there space for me?" I wiggled my brows at her and she chuckled.

"It depends on if you're a good girl or not" She pecked my cheek.

"Oh god, I did not need to see that" Y/n voice suddenly spoke out grabbing our attention.

"You want one too?" I asked in a jokingly tone.

"What? No it's just weird seeing Sana kiss you I guess" He put down the stuff he was carrying.

"Welcome too my world" I said with a chuckle.

"I'm hungry" Sana suddenly whined.

"Well help me carry my stuff and I'll buy us dinner" Y/n suggested and my face lit up.

"I'm not one to say no to free food, let's go!" I quickly grabbed the both of them and we went to get stuff out the car.

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