Chapter three

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"Is that so?" I replied in a jokingly surprised manner. I had been on the internet enough to know that fact.

"Mhm, you should try it sometime" Sana replied as she licked her lips.

"Why? You offering or something" I replied knowing a answer like that would totally throw her off whatever stupid plan she had.

"Eh? Me?! Wha?.. uh n-no! Don't you think, we'd already would have done it by now! If that was the case?!" Her face turned red as we walked back to my house. I just chuckled at her flustered state as I let us in.

"Hmm, take off your clothes Sana" I said as we went inside my room.

"Eh?! W-Why?!" She kinda stood there frozen.

"Uh so you'll be more comfortable?" I replied as I opened my closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie for her.

"But... I can't show you my body like that!" She looked very embarrassed and I just rolled my eyes.

"Sana... I've literally seen you in a bikini, there's no difference between that and your underwear, here now change into this" I chucked the clothes on the bed and she sighed.

"Fine..." We both changed into some more comfy clothes before we got on the bed.

"I don't get why you're being all shy like this, I know you sleep around with people all the time" I said as I took out my phone and started scrolling through social media. Sana put her head on my shoulder and scoffed.

"I don't sleep around, what do you take me for? A whore?" I turned and saw her staring right at me.

"A whore? Nooo, more like my very horny and easy best friend" I replied with a chuckle and I felt a surge of pain in my stomach.

"And you're my fat virgin best friend, how about that" She looked mad.

"First of all, that hurt... second of all I'm just teasing you, I don't care what you do, I'm just getting tired of you calling me at 3 am, crying your eyes out talking about some guy cheating on you" Her angry look turned to a sad expression as she dug her face into my shoulder.

"I know... I'm just trying to find someone that makes me happy... you make me happy, but I have my cravings you know?..." Her voice was muffled and stroked the back of her head.

"Mhm, you're horny, I get it... buy a sex toy or something and you won't get your feelings hurt and I won't miss out on my precious sleep" I chuckled and she sighed.

"It's not the same... It's much better when it's with someone you really like, it's almost euphoric" I made a gagging noise.

"I'm not trying to hear your sex stories Sana..." Having to listen to her stories about how other people had sex with her was probably on the top of my do not want to hear list.

"I'm not I'm just trying to explain to you, it feels better when it's someone you like..." She sat up and took the phone out my hands.

"Why you telling me? I'm just a fat virgin according to you" I replied with a annoyed tone and Sana looked at me.

"Okay I take it back! I was just mad because you called me a whore" She looked like she was about to cry.

"I didn't call you a whore though? I just said you're a horny person" I responded in a calm manner. She went quiet for a moment. Her sad face turned into more sinister looking one as she leaned close to my ear.

"I'm kinda horny now, that you mention it..." She moved her head from my ear to my fave and our noses were touching,

"Oh... what do you want me to do about it?" I sarcastically asked and I felt her warm breath tickle my face as she chuckled a little.

"I want you, to fix it..." Her brown orbs stared into mine as was laid there on the bed.

"Oh how would I do that?" I asked again in a teasing tone. I knew what she wanted, but I wanted to hear it come out her mouth.

"I want your cock inside me Y/n... understood?" I felt her grind her clothed crotch against mine, giving me a semi.

"Hmm, I think you'll have to take it, since I'm pretty tired from all this walking" I smirked at her as I closed my eyes.

"Mhm, I'm sure you're tired..." She was definitely not convinced by the tone of her voice. I felt her shuffling around on the bed. After a minute of shuffling I felt her grab the hem of my pants as she pulled them down. I opened on eye and I saw her naked body beside me.

"Not so shy after all huh?" I said in a joking tone and she looked at me. Her face was blushing as she shifted her attention over to my dick. I laid there as she began to fondle and tease with her tongue. I couldn't resist to grab a handful of her plump ass. She squealed a little as she began to give me head. I slid my finger down between her legs and I gently started toying with her core. It was slightly wet already as the sound of her slurps and gags filled the bedroom.

"Wow Sana... I didn't know your mouth was good for other things then annoying me all the time" I joked and I saw her eyes glaring at me.

"Heheh I'm just joking Sana, you're great. You're my best fucking friend" I laughed at my own bad pun and she just ignored my stupidity as she continued to suck me off. Sana started to whimper as I continued to teased her little pussy. She pulled away and climbed on top of me. I took in the view of her perfect frame as she grabbed the shaft of my cock and lined it up with her wet entrance.

"I'll give it to you Y/n, you're bigger then most of the guys I've been with" Sana said with a smile, her smile quickly changed to expressions of pain as she slid down slowly upon my member.

"You okay?" I asked as I watched he inch her way down until she'd taken it all.

"Mhm... just gotta get used to it heh" She gave me fuck me eyes as she slowly began to bounce up and down on my erect cock.

"I mean I could get used to this..." I said with a smile and she smirked at me.

"Oh yeah? What about Nayeon, I'm sure if you manage to get her she won't be happy with you cheating" Sana replied with a smug look.

"It's not cheating, Look at it as helping a friend in need" I replied with a chuckle.

"Mhm a friend in desperate need of some dick" Sana replied back with a goofy chuckle.

"I mean... You need dick and I have one, and I need pussy and you have one and we're besties so our chemistry is already perfect. We're like a couple without the dumb love part" I replied as I toyed with her breasts.

"That's true... I like love, but in the end it only drives people apart..." Sana replied as she leaned forward.

"Mhm... Let's make a deal then" I replied as I thrusted my dick inside her.

"Mhm argh... what's the deal?" She curiously asked as she moaned silently.

"Let's keep each other happy, but promise not to catch feelings..." I suggested. She went quiet for a moment as she closed her eyes. After a few seconds and her eyes opened again and she stared directly into my eyes.

"Deal!" She leaned for and began to make out with me. I kissed her passionately back for a while. I could feel myself reaching my limits and I broke the kiss.

"Sana I'm gonna cum..." I said and she smiled.

"Me too..." She climbed off me and she turned around planting her core onto my mouth.

"I felt her warm and wet mouth move up and down my dick and I returned the favor my pressed my tongue deep into her cavern. The room filled with whimpers and moans as we both reached climax. I felt my shaft tighten as I unloaded into Sana's mouth. Sana gave me the same treatment as her warm cum dripped onto my tongue. I made sure to lick her pussy clean. Sana climbed off me and laid down next to me.

"Fuck that was fun..." I mumbled and Sana nodded.

"When does your parents get home?" Sana asked and my eyes widened as the sound of the front door slamming shut filled the house.

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