Chapter Thirty-Two

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After eating breakfast the next morning with Mina I had to bid my farewells. I need to get home before Tzuyu did otherwise I'd get in trouble. We agreed upon meeting again sometime later this week. I finally got to my house and I walked in.

"Y/n! Where have you been!" Sana came limping over to me.

"Uh... I slept over at a friends" She stopped and grabbed me by the jaw.

"Right... slept..." She squinted her eyes as she rubbed her thumb across my lip.

"Y/n I didn't know you we're a blood red kinda lipstick guy" she showed me her thumb and there was red lipstick all over it. "Shit..."

"Uhm... she must have pranked me while I slept!" I replied as I desperately rubbed my lips to get rid of the lipstick.

"Stop lying! I'm sure Tzuyu will be happy hearing about this" She smirked as she rubbed her fingers together

"No, don't! Sana please! I'll explain it!" I grabbed her quickly.

"Explain what?! It's obvious what you've been doing all night!" I couldn't let her do this.

"I... I... okay I'll show you tomorrow tomorrow please! Don't tell her, I'll do anything okay?!" She giggled a little before she buried her face into my neck.

"Anything?~" She asked in a muffled tone.

"Argh...yes! anything, happy?!" She took a step back and smiled.

"Great, because I need you too come with me to dinner with my parents, I already told them I have a boyfriend, which will be you. And we will need to be really convincing" She licked her lips as she made eye contact with me.

"Huh?! You said I'm your boyfriend?" I raised my eyebrows and she smiled and nodded.

"Mhm! They already know you and like you so we'll be fine~" I held my head.

"Aish Sana... okay whatever I'll deal with it tomorrow, I need to go wash up, before Tzuyu comes back" Sana looked surprised.

"Tzuyu is coming back?! I thought she was supposed to be gone for a long while?"

"Something happened, I don't know. Just act normal" I responded before I left to go shower.

Tzuyu POV

After a long ride I finally got back home. I already paid the cab driver and I walked up to the front of the house. I could hear the TV making noise from inside the house. I made my way inside and I saw Sana curled up under a blanket on the couch. She was watching a cooking show or something. I really didn't want to deal with her right now, I need to see Y/n. I made my to our bedroom and I spotted Y/n leaning out the window.

"Y/n!" I called out as I approached him.

"Hmm? Oh babe you're home" He turned and looked at me as I stood next to him.

"Why are you looking out the window?" I asked.

"The weather is nice today, I thought I'd bask in the sun a little as I waited for you" He pulled me into a kiss. He smelled good, like he just got out the shower.

"Yeah I guess, but what the hell is the deal with Sana?! I leave for a couple days and she turns to a bitch" I frowned and he sighed.

"She's just jealous okay? She wants me but I'm yours" He explained.

"She wants you? Well she can't fucking have you. I want her out the house!" I commanded, I tried to walk away but Y/n grabbed my arm.

"We can't just kick her out, she helps with bills" I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter! You'll just have to get a job again. I refuse to have her sleep under the same roof as us, if this is her intentions."

Sana POV

I could already hear yelling coming from upstairs, I couldn't help but to smile at the thought of their relationship crumbling. Once he's single I'll make him mine hehe... I do wonder who the mystery woman of the night he slept over with is... I'll ask him late-

"SANA YOU SNAKE BITCH!" I flinched as I felt something cold get poured over me.

"Eeekk!" I yelled as I hopped out the couch. I looked at Tzuyu as she held a empty flower vase.

"Why?!!!!" I yelled as water dripped from my hair

"I want you out my house!" She looked like she wanted to hit me over the head with the vase.

"For what?! What did I do!" I asked in a annoyed tone.

"Because you're trying to ruin my relationship! You snake! Now pack your things and get out! I don't want you here ever again!" I spotted Y/n standing in the back watching me.

"Y/n!" I tried to get him to defend me, but he just stood there quiet.

"Why you still standing here?! Get your stuff and leave!" Tzuyu raised her arm and I flinched. I quickly ran off too my room. I didn't know how to react, I'd never been threatened like that before. I heard knocking on my door, I turned and looked and there was y/n, he looked sad.

"Need help?..." He asked.

"Yeah sure... why the hell am I getting kicked out?!" He sighed as he between to gather my stuff.

"It's her house, she doesn't want you here because of the fact you want me and you've been acted rude to her" I frowned.

"But you literally cheat-" He placed his hand over my mouth.

"Shh, I'll keep my promise okay?! Let's just pack your stuff, I'll drive you home to your parents and we'll talk tomorrow in private" He let go of me.

"Hmph... fucking fine... Just know marrying that girl is a mistake..." I replied as I walked over to my closet. We spent a good hour packing my stuff and moving it to his car. That tall prick kept glaring at me every time I carried something past the living room. I put on my shoes at jacket and she looked at us.

"Good! Now never come back and never speak to me or Y/n again!" She walked off upstairs and we both sighed. As we went to his car.

"You can't be serious about her..." I asked as I sat down in the passenger seat.

"You know this is the first time she's been like this since we met her" Y/n replied as he put on his seatbelt.

"I'd never do this too you! Nows our chance! You can just drive off and we'll never have to come back! We can do the stuff we spoke off as kids!" I grabbed his hoodie sleeve.


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