Chapter Thirty

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Sana POV

Me and Momo were snuggled up on the couch just talking about things.

"Is it just me or does Y/n seem like he has a stick up his ass?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, he's not like him old self anymore, before I could hug and kiss and cuddle all on him and he'd just be happy, but now he's all I'm getting married, stop. like it's disheartening" I pouted and Momo pecked my cheek.

"You like him, don't you?" I turned and nooded.

"Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I wish he proposed to me and not her..." my phone started calling and I pulled it up.

"Speak of the devil" I turned and showed Momo the ID. It was Tzuyu...

"Hello Tzuyu?"

"Hey... is Y/n there?

"No, why?"

"He called me a bunch of time, earlier when I was 'busy' and when I call him back he's not picking up"

"Ooh, he probably is mad and hates you bye bye!"

I hung up and I formed a smirk on my face. Momo didn't seem to impressed.

"What?!" I asked.

"You should be smarter about things, you know?"


"What if Tzuyu tells Y/n what you just said. The he'll be mad at you and not Tzuyu" Momo explained.

"Oh right... damn, wait where is Y/n?"


"Mhm! This is freaking delicious!" I said as we ate the food Mr Sato had packed.

"Yeah! Uncle is a pretty good cook" We sat and ate in the backyard. The nice weather, mixed with good food and Mina put me in a really good mood.

"So Y/n what do you do?" Mina munched down at a cookie as she stared at me with curious eyes.

"Oh, well I actually was a security guard" I explained and Mina mouthed an 'O'

"Oh that's why you're all big and strong now!" She grabbed my bicep and started to squeeze it.

"Haha yeah I guess, well the place I worked for shut down so I haven't really tried to stay in shape as much"

"Ah but wait how do you support yourself then?" I was about to say because of my Fiancé and roommate but I was starting to feel doubts about this marriage thing.

"Oh my two roommates, Sana who you know and Tzuyu"

"Oh Sana is the pretty one right?"

"Mhm, but it's not important. Because all that matters is that you're here" I smiled and took her hand.

"Awww Y/nnnnn you're going to make me cryyy!" She hugged me tight and pecked me on the cheek.

"Hehe... Mind if I stay over? My roommate has been a pain to deal with the past couple of days"

"Y/n to you my home is always open" She smiled and I smiled back. My pocket started to vibrate.

"I think someone's calling you Y/n"

"Yep" I stood up and I pulled my phone out. It was Tzuyu. Gosh both her and Sana called me a bunch today. I stepped a little bit away from Mina as I picked up.


" ouch... thanks for blowing out my eardrum sweetheart"


"Umm can you quit yelling please, I'm with a old friend from school times. Why are you so freaked out?" I glanced at Mina and she was cleaning up the food we ate. We both shot each other a smile as she went inside.

"Because you don't pick up! I called you a 100 times! And now I call Sana and she's being a rude bitch about it!"

"Yeah that's jealous Sana for you, just ignore it"

"No, I'm coming home! I don't care what the boss thinks!"

"That's a bit rash, can't it wait till you're done?"

"No! I'm already packing! I'm home tomorrow! We'll speak more then!"


She hung up on me. What a headache this week has been. I put my phone back in my pocket. I made my way back inside and I saw Mina doing her makeup.

"You know you're already stunning right? You don't need the makeup" she turned and looked at me.

"Yeah, but I wanna look my best for you!" She turned back and I walked over.

"I'm assuming you have plans if you're getting all dolled up"

"Mhm! I wanna go on a walk and explore! I haven't really dared to walk around town alone since Uncle says it's dangerous"

"Is that so?" I chuckled a little, this city wasn't dangerous at all. But I guess Mr Sato is just over protective about her. But I don't blame him, she really is a rare pure flower in rotten world. 

"Well you will be safe with me, I'll wait outside for you" I said as walked out the front of the house.

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