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"There you two are, where did you go?" Sana asked as we sat back down at the table.

"Just some sibling talk, nothing special" Momo replied giving me a look for approval, I just nodded nonchalantly as I turned my attention to Mina.

"Have you two eaten?" Mina asked looking at Momo and Sana.

"We had lunch while we waited for Y/n" Momo responded.

"Hmm well I think I'm done eating, should we pay and leave?" Mina asked looking at me.

"Sure, here use my card" I pulled out my wallet and handed it too her.

"Come Mina, I'd like to get to know you better" Momo said with a smile as she held her hand out. Mina's face turned slightly red as she took Momo hand and they went to go pay. I looked at Sana and She looked back at me.

"Wanna wait outside?" I asked as I got out my chair.

"Yeah let's do that" Sana answered as she followed after me outside.

"So uhm... how it go with you and Mina?" I asked as we stood on the sidewalk.

"Surprisingly good actually, kinda wished you take me on date like this though, Tzuyu didn't approve of this did she?" Sana looked down on the ground. I scoffed slightly as I crossed my arms, gazing out onto the road.

"Prft, I wouldn't have gone if I cared about her opinion, but she ruined that" Sana looked up at me with a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I turned my head and looked at her

"I tried so hard to stop you from making me a cheater, just to get cheated on myself. I don't give a damn about her anymore" I felt a tense feeling in my chest just thinking about it.

"I did tell you... You shouldn't marry her, I don't wanna rub it in but-"

"Yeah, yeah! You were right. Sana is always right, Sana knows always best. Fuck me for trying to follow my heart for once." I felt Sana grab my hand.

"Hey calm down, it's not like that ok? Now just are you and Mina a thi-"

"Hey Y/n here's your wallet" Mina and Momo came out the restaurant. I quickly broke from Sana's grip and took the wallet Momo was holding out.

"Well what do you guys want to do now? Since we're all gathered anyways" I asked looking at the girls. They all looked at each other.

"Drinks?" Momo threw out as a suggestion. I was down for drinks but I looked at Mina and she shook her head.

"Hehe sorry, but I can't drink" She quickly went to my side and took my hand. I could see it irked Sana slightly as her face turned blank.

"Movies? The cinema doesn't close before midnight so we got plenty of time" I said as I glanced down at my watch.

"Sure!" Momo and Mina cheerfully agreed.

Momo POV

We began to walk towards to cinema and Y/n and Mina took a big lead in front of us. I noticed Sana wasn't talking and I got worried my stupid brother did something bad again.

"Hey you okay?" I asked as I looked at Sana.

"I was..." She muttered back.

"What happened? Did Y/n do something again?" I was readying myself to scold him.

"No... just look at him" She pointed at them and I was watching them hold hands and laughing.

"Well... they are on a date" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I was so excited when I found out him and Tzuyu was over then now he replaced her with Mina. Why I'm I always the one he never choses?" She stared at me with puppy eyes and I could tell she was about to cry. I quickly hugged her. "Shhh it's okay, it's just today, I'll make sure he makes the right choice okay?"


"Haha so what movie do you want to watch?" I pointes at a TV screen with all the available movies. For Mina to chose from.

"Hmm I don't know, let's ask the others" We both turned around and we didn't see them.

"Man they are so slow, Just pick one it's our date anyways" I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. She giggled slightly "hehe okay~ I wanna watch something romantic"

"Did you two pick a movie already?" Momo's voice suddenly called out from the cinema entrance. We glanced over and we saw the two others entering.


"Gosh you're such a genius for buying tickets on different rows" I said with a chuckle as I looked down at Sana and Momo in a couple rows down.

"Haha well, like you said it's our date, they can tag along but I still just want to spend time with just you" She laid her head on my shoulder as we continued too watch the movie.

Mr Sato's POV

"Of course sister, I know you want Mina there already"

"We can't wait much longer, I'll make the calls and have the flight ticket moved too this weekend"

"Is this really necessary? She's doing well here. She has her own place and she's already talking to a good guy, I know him personally"

"There's no discussion about this, we need her here so we can marry her to my husbands business partners son and we'll secure our financial future for good"

"Sister... you can't force love onto somebody, Have you even told her why you are bringing her too America?"

"Listen! Don't question me about my daughter and my decisions, just get her too leave as soon as possible. End of discussion"


"Argh.... You greedy bitch..." I pinched the bridge of my nose. Well I guess I don't have much choice but too tell Minari... but I won't leave her in the dark like her parents. I took out my phone and dialled her phone number.


"That movie was soooo romantic~ good choice Mina" Momo said with a chuckle as we all walked out the cinema.

"Yeah, I read a lot of great revie- wait someone is calling me" Mina reached into her purse and answered the call. "Uncle?" She asked as she walked a little away from us.

"Did you enjoy the movie Sana?" I asked, but she just stared blankly down the street ignoring my question.

"She did, she's just... you know" Momo looked at me and I knew what she meant.

"I get it, you're mad you didn't get to sit next to me~ awww angry little baby~" I teased as I ruffled her hair. She snapped out of it and hit me in the side.

"DOOON'T" Sana whined and Momo began to laugh.

"Uhm guys I gotta go home now" Mina said as she came back over.

"Oh let me take you home" I said turning my attention to her.

"No no, I'll just walk home it's okay" She smiled but it looked like she'd been crying.

"No you can't go alone, I'll come with you" Momo said as she stepped in front of me.

"You sure?" Mina asked.

"Of course, my car isn't parked far from here" Momo replied before I got to say a word. I just watched as Momo walked off with my date. I sighed and looked at Sana.

"Want me to take you too Momo's?" She shook her head

"No, can you take me too my parents?"

"But isn't your stuff at Momo's apartment?" I was confused at her request.

"Yeah, but I just wanna show you something" She took my hand.

"Okay, not like Tzuyu is gonna let me back in the house anyways so. Let's go?"

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