Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Sana... you know we can't do it, I'll just drive you too your parents" I put the car in drive and I started driving.

"Please? Look how she acted! If you do something wrong that will be towards you! You know I'll never  yell at you" She stared out the window as I continued to drive.

"You know this is the first time she's been like this..." I was starting to get fed up with the whole situation. I could tell Sana wanted to continue to try to convince me. Her face said it all, I ignored her and focused on the road. My mind started drift the longer the ride went on and I pictured Mina when I first met her. She was so shy, I couldn't help but too chuckle a little breaking the silence.

"What are you chuckling for?" Sana asked turning her attention to me.

"Oh... just a old memory" I responded as I pulled into Sana's parents neighbourhood.

"Is it about me?!" She smiled wide at me and I thought about it. Should I tell her Mina is still alive? Or lie... I turned and smiled at her.

"Mhm, I was thinking about when Momo and all those kids walked in on us dancing" Sana started to giggle a little as I pulled up in front of her parents house.

"Haha yeah, that was embarassing... but Y/n?" She gave me puppy eyes and I knew she wasn't going to give up.

"What?" I asked as I turned off the car. She unbuckled her belt and climbed onto me.

"Sana what are you doing?" I annoyedly as she sat in my lap.

"Please let me have this... you mean so much to me. I really need you" I sighed.

"Why? Why now? You had so much time and you decide to do it now? When I'm making my own decisions" I felt a lump in my throat from all this emotional frustration.

"Because... You mean the world to me Y/n! I want you so bad!" The sound of raindrops hitting the car started to fill the silence.

"You could have had me Sana... but you always picked everyone else over me" A heavy feeling filled my chest.

"Yet I'm here with you! It's always been like that, you're the only one I kept around since I was small"

"Yeah? As a backup right? As the one you run too when the one you want don't want you back? Someone you can just toy with when you're bored of your new one?" She shook her head.

"I don't care for those! If they leave it doesn't matter I don't want you too leave! I want you forever! I want  as the father of my children! I want you as my husband please, let me show you how much effect you have on me!" She was on the brink of tears.

"How much?..." I asked and she looked at me for a second before she lifted her arm. She pulled back on the hoodie sleeve showing me her forearm. It was covered in faint cutting scars and I felt a pit in a stomach. Flashbacks to that day when I found out about her cutting filled my mind. I snapped back to reality and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Y-You promised y-you'd never l-leave me a-alone... please... p-pleasee..." I felt lost. Lost in emotions, Lost in what to do. Regardless of my choice one of them will get hurt and leave me forever. I see no happy ending. Just bitter and broken relationships. I pulled Sana into my chest and I let her sob into it.

"Shhh Sana... It's okay, I don't intend on leaving you. I promised I'd go with you to that dinner with your parents right?" A muffled yes came out of Sana's mouth as she continued to sob. I stared out the window at all the rain that was falling. At this point I just have to make them all happy or maybe just stay single for the rest of my life...

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