Chapter Sixteen

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I rolled Mina out of the hospital building and the fresh air hit our faces.

"Aaaah~ such a pretty day isn't it, Don't you agree Mina?" Sana asked as she walked next to the wheelchair.

"Mhmm, it's pretty~" She turned her head and looked around at all the plant life around us.

"Y/n how are we going to go about this?" Sana asked as her eyes gestured at Mina who wasn't paying attention to us.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows at her, my mind ran to the wrong places immediately when Sana's involved.

"Why are  you giving me that look?! I'm talking about food and the beach!"

"Oh... heh nevermind... let's just get to your house" I picked up the pace and I headed to Sana's house. We eventually made it to Sana's house and she let us inside.

"My room is upstairs" Sana said as she pointed at the staircase leading to the second floor.

"Oh right, I'll just carry Mina" I replied as I went around the wheelchair. I wrapped my arms around Mina before I gently lifted her up bridal style.

"wow... look at you two, You look like a newly married couple" Sana giggled.

"Jealous?" Mina suddenly asked, making both me and Sana almost choke on our spit.

"Eh?! N-NO?! He's just my friend!" Sana was turning all red as she got flustered. I began to laugh pretty hard as I started walking upstairs.

"YAH! Stop laughing!!" Sana whined as she ran after us. I'd been here a bunch of times before so I already knew where Sana's room was located. I opened the door and sat Mina down on Sana's bed.

"Okay Mina, what do you want to wear?" Sana walked over to the closet and stopped.

"I don't know..." Mina replied as she looked at Sana. Sana stopped and turned around facing me.

"Why are you still here? You gonna watch us change?" I smiled innocently and shrugged my shoulders.

"Wouldn't be the first time" I winked at Sana.

"Ugh aish, Go downstairs and grab us food and snacks from the kitchen" She came over and shoved me out the room, closing the door behind me. I could hear Mina giggling from inside. I made my way downstairs into the kitchen and I snooped around in the fridge. I wasn't sure what's good to bring to the beach when it was food wise.

"Water for sure..." I grabbed some water bottles and placed them on the kitchen island.

"Can't bring raw meat to the beach, hmm vegetables? definitely not... what the hell... Sana's parents only buy raw stuff. where is the premade stuff..." I shut the fridge and started snooping around the cupboards.

"Cookies... Yeah that can work, Chips too! heh I'll be enjoying myself" I put the snacks on the table.

"Uh... should probably get some fruit or something otherwise Sana will whine..." I grabbed a couple of red apples from the fruit bowl and put them in the pile. "Okay that should be enough!"

I heard footsteps down the stairs as Sana with Mina on her back made their way down.

"I thought you girls got changed??" I asked, seeing them wearing the same clothes.

"Of course you dummy, we got the bikinis under our clothes." Sana snidely answered.

"Then we're good to go! I got the food packed and ready,"

"Geez y/n, how is that supposed to feed us the whole day" Sana snarked, eyeing the food that I prepared.

"Chill, we can always just order food if you girls want." I replied as I helped Mina down from Sana's back to her wheelchair.

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