Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Momo POV

"Oh man they're rude! Its 12:00 and they still haven't messaged or called me, well they better be awake" I said to myself as I stood in front of their house. The door was locked but I knew they his their extra key in the plant pot outside. I snatched the key and I unlocked myself into the house. It was quiet and dark.

"Those two..." I mumbled as I took off my shoes. I tip toed around the house and I figured Y/n's room was the best place to start since he's my brother, it's easier to bother him without consequences. I made my way to Y/n's room and I knocked.

"...." no reply. I gently opened the door and I was greeted with a empty room and a undone bed.

"What?..." I scratched my temple as I closed the door. I began looking through the entire house with no luck. There was only one place I hadn't checked and that was Sana's room. I knocked on the door and still no reply.

"Did they go out without me?" I asked myself as I opened the door. My eyes widened a little bit as I spotted them on the bed. Sana was naked with Y/n's arm around her waist.

"Yeah so much for just being 'friends'..."


"Morning sleepyheads..." I opened my eyes and I flinched a little was I was met by Momo's eyes.

"Momo?" I asked in a tire tone as I rubbed my eyes.

"Mhm, you two said I could come over today, but looks like you two had a long night"

"Huh?" I looked down and I saw my arm wrapped around Sana's naked body.

"Oh shit" I quickly pulled my arm of Sana waking her.

"Mmmhm good morning honey~" she muttered with her eyes still closed. She rolled over and wrapped herself around Momo. Me and Momo made eye contact.

"Uhm Sana?" I spoke out causing her to open her eyes.

"Ohh~" Sana rolled over onto her back and she turned and smiled at me.

"You seem awfully calm for being butt naked" I commented Sana shrugged.

"Well I've slept with you both so it's not like you two haven't seen me like this" Sana responded in a sleepy tone.

"Huh- wait what?! You two have?..." I looked at both of them.

"Mhm~ I mean your sister is hot Y/n" Sana replied a she played with Momo's hair.

"Anything to sat for yourself?" I asked Momo. She took her finger and she circled Sana's nipple as she looked at me.

"Hmm not really... We've both committed the same sin so I don't think either of us have a moral high ground and you two sure you're not a thing? I mean this seems a little too friendly if you ask me" Momo said as she slid her hand down Sana's body.

"Yes I, okay you know what I'm just gonna go make breakfast, you can help Sana since she's injured" I rolled off the bed and I left the bedroom.

Tzuyu POV

I was with one of my bosses on break since we'd been working overtime the past couple days. I figured the mall would be a nice and fun spot to spend the break. I still had to find a ring for Y/n too. I glanced onto my finger and I smiled as I looked at my ring.

"So Ms Chou where we headed?" My boss Mr Katawa asked as we walked around.

"Well I'm looking for a ring" I replied and I stuffed my hands down into my pockets. It was it cold and my hands were freezing even inside the mall.

"Well there's a jewellery store down there, let's go" he placed his hand on my back and it made me a little uncomfortable as she gently shoved me towards the jewellery store. We went inside and I started to look around at the rings. Y/n wouldn't want anything too fancy. I spent a while until spotted a ring that I thought fit Y/n perfectly.

"Found what you were looking for?" Mr Katawa asked and I nodded.

"Yeah that one" I pointed at the ring and Mr Katawa smiled.

"Excuse me, I'd like to buy this ring" he suddenly spoke out catching the sellers attention.

"Excellent choice Sir" he replied as they took the ring and made their way over too the cash register. I stood and watched in confusion as Mr Katawa finished paying.

"Hey you coming Ms Chou?" He spoke out as he grabbed the bag with the ring.

"Uh... y-yea" I caught up with him and he kept walking. I followed him to the mall parking lot where he got into the rental car we had. The car ride back to the hotel was awkward and neither of us said a word.

"Come Ms Chou" he said with a smile on his face. He brought me to his hotel room and he sat me down on the edge of his bed.

"So Ms Chou, you wanted this ring correct?" He pulled out the black box from the bag and he held it up.

"Yeah?... I was going to buy it myself..." I replied. I felt nervous as I sat on the bed watching the older gentleman pace around slowly back and forth.

"Well I bought it for you Ms Chou, but I'll need a favor of you before I hand you this ring" he got closer, his crotch was inches from my face.

"W-What's that?" I nervously asked.

"Imma need that young body of yours for an hour" He took his jacket off and unbuttoned the top of his shirt.

"W-What?! N-No, I-I can't" He grabbed my chin and he made me look at him.

"Oh you can... I know this ring of for some guy, I can tell by the size and design... but nobody will know about this" He placed the box with the ring in my hand before he pushed me onto my back. His hand grabbed my breast and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to say no! But the ring was expensive and
Y/n will he happy to get it. I bit my lip.

"Mkay, just... just be quick" A big creepy smile formed on Mr Katawa's face as he began to undress me.

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