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I felt my pocket start to vibrate so I got up from the couch.

"Where you going?" Sana asked with a curious stare.

"I'm getting a phone call, I'll be back quick" I answered as I made my way out into the backyard, I took out my phone and hit accept call. I didn't even look at the caller ID but the voice was one I immediately recognised.

"Hey Y/n..."



"Where you been? Your Uncle was looking for you, he seemed very worried"

"It's okay, he was here earlier..."

"Phew that's good, but uhm why you calling? Want to hang out again?"

There was a long silence before she answered me. I knew a pause like that couldn't mean well, has she gotten sick again? I felt worried.

"Why... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL MY YOU HAD A FIANCÉ!!" I flinched at Mina's sudden yelling, she was always so quiet and soft spoken, I felt genuinely scared, and Fiancé? How did she know about Tzuyu?! Did Sana tell! Or Momo?!

"I- L-Listen! Can we meet in person? It's a lot to explain over the phone, but it's not like that I promise"


"Please! I can explain everything okay?! Just, Just don't be mad!"

"Maybe... I'm just a i-idiot?... Maybe I lived in a f-fantasy world... You were my knight in s-shining armor..." Her voice was weak, it was obvious she'd started crying over the phone. I felt a real pit in my stomach right now, she'd been through so much and I made her life worse.

"No, I'm the one who fucked up! Don't blame yourself, are you home? I'll come see you right now"

All I could hear was crying noises in the background, she'd for sure put her phone down. Oh man I felt like the biggest jerk in the world.

"Mina! If you can hear me, I'm coming over right now!" I quickly hung and made my way back into the living room, Momo and Sana stared straight at me, I could tell they knew something was wrong, I probably wasn't good at hiding my distress.

"What happened? Tzuyu again?" Sana looked fed up.

"N-No I just gotta go see Mina, something happened"

"Can't it wait? Dad's birthday isn't even over" Momo asked as she looked at her watch.

"No it can't" I felt like I was wasting time talking right now, I should be driving to Mina's house already!

"Then we're coming with you" Sana got up the couch.

"Fine whatever, MOM! DAD! We're leaving!" I called out and my parents came into the living room.

"Already? You've only been here for a couple hours" My mom asked with a concerned look.

"Something happened and I gotta go, but they wanna tag along" I answered gesturing over at Sana and Momo.

"We'll make it up to you Dad!" Momo chirped in as ran over and hugged him.

"If it's important, then I can't really keep you all here. So drive safe!" My dad responded. He didn't really look like he cared much that we were leaving.

We said our goodbyes and made our way to my car, I almost broke the traffic rules as I sped down the roads. It didn't take long with my driving to make it to her house. I parked outside and hopped out.

"So this is where she lives?" Sana asked as she stared at the house.

"What a cozy neighbourhood" Momo added as she got out. I was already at the front door at this point. I grabbed the door handle and twisted.

"Unlocked, so she has to be home" I opened the door and I went inside, "Mina!?" I called her name as I started looking through the house. Momo and Sana followed behind me.

"She's probably in her bedroom" Momo said and I had to agree, luckily I knew the layout of the house so it didn't take long to find the bedroom. The door was shut, so I knocked on it. "Mina?" We opened the door and immediately saw a lump under the covers of the bed.

"Hey Mina, are you okay?" Sana asked in a gentle tone as she went over to the bed, I was kinda reluctant to approach her. It was my fault for being jackass that she was feeling so sad.

"Y/n what did you do?" Momo asked with a stern look. It was unusual for Momo to look like this, especially towards me.

"I..." I didn't dare answer. Sana placed her hand on where I'd estimate Mina's shoulder would be.

"Hey Mina, talk to us. We can figure this out" Sana's softer side was showing, it was nice to observe, made me feel more attracted to her. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in my arm. Momo had hit me "Hey idiot, answer my question"

"Ouch, okay she found out about Tzuyu and she's heartbroken!" Sana let out a gasp. She gave me a look like something clicked in her head.

"Wait! Was Mina your secret lady of the night?!" Mina suddenly became audible and she was crying again.

"You jerk!" Momo hissed at me.

"It wasn't meant like that! Tzuyu cheated on me! So the relationship was over for me at that point!" I argued, not that it would make stuff any better but at least my side was put out there.

"Still... Y/n just go downstairs! Let us girls talk" Momo nudged me out of the room and shut the door.

I let out a sigh. "I'm always the bad guy apparently..." I mumbled to myself as I made my way into the living room. It felt like an eternity of waiting. I could hear their voices talking but their words were too muffled. I rubbed my temples trying to think of how at least I can make up to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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