Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Ok Y/n you can leave now" my boss said too me as he came out from the employee only section of the building.

"Oh really? Don't I have another hour left?" I asked as I swiftly made my way over too him.

"No need, we're overstaffed at the moment and it's your first day, so you can get off early" Well I'm not gonna complain about getting off early so I quickly thanked him and made my way outside to my car. I need to drive home and change so I looked presentable for Mina.

Mina POV

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm... We think it's best you come to America and live with us"

"But I'm doing so well on my own now, I even have my own place, and I'm talking too a guy I'd like to be with" I pouted as I sat down on my bed.

"There's no discussion about this Minari, We want you here with us, we want our daughter back, tickets and everything is booked, so you better get to packing, Uncle will help you get your belongings shipped" My mother said in a stern tone.

"Well how long do I have till I have to leave?" I asked in a sad tone.

"Two weeks, you leave on sunday. Uncle will help you understood?"

"Mhm.... Okay" I hung up the phone and sighed. Today was supposed to be a good day. Now I have to pack my stuff and get ready to leave?! I love my parents but America is not my home, I've been here all my life and I don't even know them that well anymore. I got up off my bed and walked over to the mirror. Well I better look as good as possible, maybe I can convince Y/n to come with me? I got butterflies in my tummy as I thought about his handsome face.


Sana POV

"Yah! You're hogging the entire mirror Momo!!!" I tried to shove Momo more to the side so I also could do my makeup.

"You can't rush perfection Sana, just wait your turn!" She shoved me back and I fell onto my butt.

"Oww! But I wanna look my best for Y/n!" I whined as I sat there on the bathroom floor.

"You wanna look your best for a engaged man, my oh my~" Momo teased as she ran her red lipstick across her buttom lip.

"And you wanna look your best for your brother, you're definitely the weirder one!" I fired back as I got up off the floor.

"Maybe? I always need to look good, who knows maybe I'll meet the love of my life today?" Momo snickered as she took a step too the left and let me begin to get ready.

"Ugh whatever, I already have a date with the love of my life, I just need bitchy Tzuyu out the picture..." I explained as I started to rummage through my makeup bag.

"How are you gonna do that?" Momo asked and I giggled.

"I'll just have Tzuyu walk in on us, then she'll surely call it off and leave Y/n all too me~" I continued to explain as I began to apply foundation.

"Won't that just make Y/n be more mad at you?" Momo asked with a concerned look.

"Maybe... I don't have a better plan so... I don't know Momo! I just fucking want Y/n so bad okay?!" I felt like crying, I didn't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of fighting and all the difficulties. Am I not enough?!

"Relax~ Relax~ I know Sana, I just want to help you ok? I just know your plans usually end up with Y/n getting upset so let's figure out something together okay?" Momo could tell I was upset and rubbed my back.

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