Chapter Eleven

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«Great! Yuna if you run downstairs and look in the kitchen there should be some snacks we can eat» Sana say as she gestured Yuna out the room. Yuna nodded as she left the room.

«What did you whisper to her?» I asked as Sana took my laptop and hopped onto the bed to me.

«Oh, I say she can sit next to you while we watch a movie, since she does like you a lot, even though you're kinda being mean to her» I watched as she started looking up movies on the laptop.

«That's it?» I asked as I stretched my arms.

«Mhm~ now I'm thinking a horror movie» she pointed at a list of scary movies and I nodded.

«Sure, just scream into a pillow please, last time I almost went deaf» I chuckled as I hopped off the bed and headed for the lightswitch.

«You complain and whine way too much Y/n» I turned of the lights and I headed back to the bed.

«Yeah? Yet you're still here so I don't see the problem» I sat back down and Yuna came back inside carrying snacks.

«Here Yuna sit next to Y/n like I promised» Sana said as she stood up and patted the spot next to me. Yuna smiled and rushed to the bed. She plopped down next to me and started handing us snacks.

«Great! We're watching horror a movie so get ready Yuna» Sana took a blanket off my nightstand and put it over all three of us.

«Y/n you're on laptop duty since you're in the middle» Sana said as she put the laptop in my lap.

«okay» I replied as I pressed play on the movie. I felt both Yuna and Sana resting their heads on my shoulders as movie began. The movie went like most movies go, cheap jumpscares, the sound of them eating the snacks and a lot of screams.

«I'm s-scared Oppa» Yuna whimpered as she tugged on my sleeve to hide from the movie.

«It's just a movie Yuna, they won't attack through the scre-...» I lost my train of thought as I felt Sana grab my hand under the blanket.

«Distract her~» I heard Sana whisper into my ear as she guided my hand between what felt like her thighs.

«Ehem... ugh sorry got something in my throat... as I was saying it won't jump through the screen and attack you pabo» My eyes widened as I felt my fingers get wet. Was she not wearing underwear?!

«R-Really Oppa? I-I so scared...» She looked up at me with puppy eyes.

«Y-Yeah it's fine Yuna, It- OH FUCK!» a jumpscare caught me offguard and I flinched like a idiot.

«Totally fine... haha» Sana responded with a chuckle.

«Shut up» I annoyingly replied as I pressed my finger deep between her legs. Her smug look quickly changed as she bit her lip.

«I don't wanna watch a-anymore Oppa!» She shut the laptop and looked at me.

«That's okay Yuna, maybe you should go sleep?» I kept teasing Sana under the blanket.

«Sleep?! But it's not even dark outsideee» Yuna whined as she turned her head and pointed out the window.

«Oh yeah... uh... why don't you go help my mom with dinner? Im sure she'd have use for the extra help with more mouths to feed» I suggested. I was just looking for an excuse to be alone with Sana. I could feel my bulge growing for each second my fingers toyed with Sana's folds.

«B-But I wanna hang with you...»

«Y-Yunaaa just g-go ahead~ weee'll come r-right after~ I wannaa t-talk to Y/n in p-private~» Sana was clearly struggling to talk and Yuna noticed.

«You okay? You sound sick» Yuna crawled over me and put her hand on Sana's forehead.

«Aigoo you're sweating Unnie» she was bound to give us away, so I had to step in.

«Yuna run down and get her some medication. I'll keep an eye on her»

«But I don't know where it is?» She stood up off the bed and looked at us.

«Just go to my mom and ask, she knows. now go quickly» Yuna nodded before she took off out the room. Once the coast was clear I pulled my hand out from under blanket. It was all sticky and wet, I smirked at Sana as I held it in front of her.

«Here's your medicine haha» I teased as I stuck my finger in her mouth. I could feel her tongue circling my finger as she kept eye contact with me. Once I was satisfied, I took my finger out her mouth and smiled at her.

«You gonna stay over?» I asked and her phone made a noise. She looked at it and shook her head at me.

«nope, I just got myself a date with this hottie of a guy, also you have a girlfriend now. You should stay loyal~» Sana giggled before she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

«I gotta go get ready, tell Yuna I just went home» Sana got off the bed and adjusted her skirt.

«Okay... But don't come crying to me when he turns out to be a asshole like 99% of the guys you date» I chuckled and she glared at me.

«It's not that bad...» She walked out the room and I bit my lip. I must have struck a cord or something... oh well. Maybe I should pay a visit to Mina? It's been a little while since I saw her.

«Yeah, I'll do that» I mumbled to myself as I left my room and headed downstairs. I saw Yuna's parents sitting on the couch watching TV. I figured she probably was in the kitchen so I made my way there. I spotted her talking to my mom as she held some pills in her hand.

«Yuna, you don't have to get medicine after all, Sana went home since she didn't feel well» both my mom and Yuna looked at me.

«Oh... uhm sorry for bothering you then Ms Hirai...» she handed the pills back to my mom and she nodded.

«Mom, I'm gonna go out and eat» I said and she looked at me.

«Oh, we're just about to start cooking though, you sure?»

«Yeah I'm sure, want me to go get Momo?» I asked and she shook her head.

«Yuna's dad agreed to go get Momo so that won't be needed»

«Okay, see you guys later then» I waved at them before I left the kitchen and headed for the hallway. I put on some shoes and a random jacket. It should be fine right? I'm not going there to cheat. I just wanna check on her and maybe get some free sushi. I licked my lips at the thought of sushi as I left the house.

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