Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Uh we didn't know this was gonna happen" Sana replied with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, we won't take anymore of your guys time" I added as grabbed Sana by the wrist.

"Uhm wait, kids just mess around there for a minute while us adults talk" Momo said as she pointed towards other side of the gymnasium. All the kids yelled and ran past us as we made our way over to Momo and Mr Sato. All four of us left the gymnasium and stood by the door.

"So any particular reason you two are trespassing onto school property?" Mr Sato asked with a semi serious look on his face.

"Uhm we just got... nostalgic! Yeah nostalgic" Sana replied unconvincingly.

"We just got bored sir... we had no intention of causing any problems we just wanted to relive the past a little bit" I replied honestly.

"I see... Well I suppose there's no harm in that and Since it's you two I'll allow it this time, it's actually good I see you Y/n" Mr Sato responded.

"Really?" I replied curiously.

"Yes, it's about M-"


"Oh excuse me" Mr Sato pulled out his phone and he walked a bit away.

"So uhm you two a thing?" Momo asked. I immediately shook my head at her.

"No?! I'm still with Tzuyu, I even proposed to her" I replied.

"Oh! What a surprise! But why are you two dancing here then? It looked like y'all was about to kiss or something" Momo rebutted.

"I wouldn't have minded that..." Sana butted in.

"No we weren't, she just gave me the dance she owed me since prom night okay?" I couldn't let Momo get the wrong idea.

"Oh but where's Tzuyu then?"

"Business trip, it's just us so we wanted to have fun like back in the old days" Sana answered as she latched onto my arm.

"Oh Tzuyu better not find out then, because I've heard you two have a lot of "fun" over the years" She made a lewd face and I smacked the back of her head.

"My god behave yourself Momo, that's not happening anymore, I'm loyal to Tzuyu end of discussion" I was starting to get irritated.

"Okay haha, Well I'm free tomorrow, you mind if I come over tomorrow and we hang out? Us three just like old times?" Momo asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah sure!" Sana replied as her head nodded.

"Great! I'll come by sometime tomorrow! I gotta go teach the dance class now! See you two tomorrow!" Momo hugged us both before she went back inside the gymnasium. Mr Sato came back and he looked confused.

"Where's Momo?" He asked.

"She went inside to teach" I replied as I pointed at the door to the gymnasium.

"Oh right, I should accompany her, oh also Y/n I'll tell you about that thing at more appropriate time whenever we meet again" He said with a smile.

"Right?" We watched as Mr Sato went into the gymnasium.

"Wow... well we should probably head home, look" I pointed at the dark grey skies through the window.

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