Chapter Twenty

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"Y/n how you feeling?" Momo asked as she removed her head of my shoulder.

"I'm fine..." I wasn't crying anymore. I just had a subtle pain in my chest that wouldn't stop. We'd been sitting on my bed for hours.

"Well I'm going to help mom with dinner. You sure you'll be fine?" Momo asked, I nodded at her. I was lying but I was tired of feeling pity'd.

"Okay, well I'll be downstairs then" She climbed off the bed and left the bedroom. I sat there for some time until I was fed up. I needed some fresh air to get my mind off this. I made my way down making sure to not catch anyone's attention. I left the house and I started walking. A light breeze tickled my face as I kept walking. I had one place in mind that I knew that could make me forget.

"I need a drink..." I mumbled to myself as I made my way downtown. I passed the hospital and I got the park where I pissed Sana off. I stopped and I chuckled a little. I spotted a big tree and I decided to sit down under it.

"Bars haven't open yet... " I muttered to myself as I looked at my wrist watch. My side was itching so I went to itch. Thats when I felt the envelope in my pocket.

"Mina's letter" I pulled it out my jacket and I looked at it. It was already opened by Mr Sato so I easily reached inside and I pulled out the letter. Something hard fell out and onto the grass in front of me. I grabbed it and gave it a good look.

"A pendant?" I changed my attention to the letter and I began reading.

"Dear Y/n, Hi it's me Mina! Well you probably don't remember me that much since we've only met each other a couple of brief times. I asked Granny if she could get this to you because I have some things I need to get off my chest. I've been stuck in this room for so long I can't even remember. But having you show up has really made me forget about my loneliness. You never treated me different like my family does. You awoke feelings inside my heart I've never felt before. Butterflies, tingles, excitement, happiness. When we kissed I knew it meant something. I could feel it inside my entire soul and body. I often read books about love to pass time in my room and I think I can say for sure that I love you Y/n. I love you with all my heart. I want to get as healthy as I can so maybe we can get married and have kids and do all the things I've read about in my books. I hope I get to see you soon! Love you -Myoui Mina. PS... I left you a gift incase you forgot my face haha"

Reading that letter crushed my heart. I wanted to cry but I had no more inside me. I looked back at the pendant and I opened the lid. Inside was a picture of Mina. He beautiful face, her precious smile, her long and beautiful hair.

"Fuck... I'm sorry... i-if I knew this was h-how you felt I'd never leave you a-alone Mina..." I clenched my fist and I punched the dirt as hard as I could... I sat in silence. All I could hear was birds chirping and the sound of branches and leaves sightly blowing in the wind.

"Jagiya~ haha what if someone see's us" that voice... I looked up and I spotted Nayeon and that tall piece of fucking shit guy with her.

"Jagiya huh?... yeah lying bitch..." I bit my lips as I put the necklace Mina gave me on. I stuffed the letter down my pocket. I stood up and brushed my pants off. All my sadness turned to anger as I watched them from a distance. Their arms wrapped around each other. I wanted to punch the guy in the face as I started making my way towards them. Pictures of Sana and Mina started flashing in my head as I got closer and closer and I felt my anger going away... I was a couple meters away when I pictured Sana kissing me and I smiled. I looked at Nayeon and I felt nothing. It really was just lust... I didn't want her... just her body... I scoffed and I walked the last couple meters to them.

"Hey what a lovely looking couple we have here" They both froze and looked at me.

"Y/n?!" Nayeon responded in a surprised tone.

"Hey honey~ I see you already have a boyfriend, it's okay though, you clearly like him more. Have a nice life" I turned around and I walked off. A lot of emotions went through me, but I figured the highroad was the best route.

"Y/n wait!" Nayeon grabbed my jacket sleeve and I stopped.

"What? It's clear that he never was you brother, come on I'm not fucking stupid..." She stopped up to me and got close.

"I'm sorry" she gave me a sorry look. I chuckled and took her by the chin.

"Don't be, I cheated too" I winked before I pecked her on the lips.

"Fuck you" she replied as she took a step back.

"Feeling's mutual" I rebutted as left them in the park as I continued walking to the bar.

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