Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I woke up with a throbbing headache.

"Ugh what happened?" I was in someone's bed.

"You're awake" A voice called out. I sat up and I looked around. That's when I saw Mina sitting on the bed next to me.

"M-Mina?..." I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Yes it's me, but don't faint again please, haha" I grabbed her and pulled her into the biggest hug

"I-I thought you were d-dead!" I started sobbing like a little kid.

"Shhh... shhh...I'll explain" her voice was soft and calming. Her sweet scented hair tickled my face. I broke the hug and I turned and face her.

"Y/n... awww" She smiled as she cupped my face and used her thumbs to wipe my tears away.

"I thought y-you were dead, gone f-forever..." I took her hands and I squeezed them tight.

"Well... I was dead Y/n... I think everyone agrees that its a miracle that I'm alive..." Her eyes felt like they stared straight into my soul.

"B-But how?" I asked.

"Well... I don't know much since I was out of it, but there was a pulse when they were going to transfer me from the morgue... I assume they rushed to get me into a operating room and somehow woke me up" She started getting teary eyed too.

"But you look so good and healthy now, and where have you been all these years?!" I was still in disbelief she was sitting in front of me. I must be dreaming or something.

"I was being closely monitored at the hospital as I went through tons of physical therapy... Uncle said if I get healthy and did good he'd get me my own house so I can finally live a normal life, and as you can see I was successful" She laughed flashing that gummy smiled. I pulled her in for another hug.

"I'm so happy Mina! It feels like a piece of my heart that I thought was gone forever came back" We broke the hug.

"Haha really?!" I'd never seen Mina so energetic before, it was a welcomed change.

"Yeah, I still have the necklace you gave me and I wear it everyday" I undid the necklace and I handed it too her.

"You do? Still after all these years?" She took it and opened the locket.

"Oh wow... I'll have to get a replacement photo, I look awful in this" She giggled as she closed the locket and put it on the nightstand.

"So what do you think? I dyed my hair blonde and I haven't got anyone to tell me if it looks good" She twirled the tip of her hair with her index finger as she looked at me.

"You'll look good in any style Mina, but it suits you well" I replied and giggled.

"You sound like Uncle when you talk" I chuckled a little as a rubbed the back of my head.

"Haha sorry, I'm still a little out of it from hitting my head and seeing you" Mina pounced on me and forced me to lay down. She laid down top of me and the tips of our noses were touching.

"Aww it's fine Y/n, I'm just happy you're here with me again. And you look good too! Looks like we both got in good shape now haha"

"Yeah you're right haha" it got quiet. We looked into each others eyes. Mina's breath tickled my chin.

"May I?" She softly asked. I was caught up in the moment. I wrapped my hand behind her head and I gently pressed my lips against hers.

Tzuyu POV

"Fucking fuck... ugh I feel awful! God!" I had finished with Mr Katawa and I was back in my own hotel room.

"If I knew I'd take the fucking most expensive ring in the store damn it" I kept staring at the ring.

"You better be happy Y/n, I did that for you" I sighed as I grabbed my phone. 12 missed calls from Y/n. I furrowed my brows, he rarely calls me and never this many times. Did something happen?! Dear god don't say Sana burned down the house of something. I tried to call him back but he wasn't replying.

"Is he mad at me?" No he couldn't be, he never gets upset at me. Ugh I hated this, I hated being away from him. This was a mistake! I should have declined the offer. I balled up on the hotel bed as I felt hopeless.

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