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I went out into the front yard and called Momo's phone.

"..... ...... ..... H-Hello?" Momo's voice sounded groggy, like she'd just woken up.

"Yeah hello, where are you?" I asked in annoyed tone.

"I'm in my warm and comfy bed, What about it?" She asked in a slightly less groggy tone. 

"Well can you get your ass over to mom and dad's? It's literally dad's birthday and you're sleeping in..." I heard a bunch of ratling coming from her side of the side. "Hello? You there?" her phone filled with frantic noises.

"... I WILL BE THERE SOON!" I heard her yell from a distance. I hung up the call and I couldn't helpo but to chuckle a little. As much as she gets on my nerves from time to time, she's always been slightly comedic with the shit she does. 

I made my way back inside and It was just Sana sitting on the couch. "Where'd dad go?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"He did the same as you" She responded as she laid against me. I didn't understand her response. "What?"

She gave a smirk, "He went to his wife" 

"Oh good one" I wasn't very impressed at her flirting, but it was probably more from just being mentally drained from all the bullshit lately. 

Sana hummed quietly as she snuggled even closer against me. 


A little bit of time had passed when we heard the front door open. 

"MOM! DAD! IM HERE!!!" Momo's voice rang out through the house.

Me and Sana watched the hallway as Momo made her entrance into the living room. Her face lit up when she saw Sana.

"ooo my two favorite people!" She jumped into our laps and we both let out a groan from the impact.

"Momo leave them alone" My dad said as he came back out into the living room. 

"Fineeee" Momo slide off us and sat down next to Sana. My mother came into the living room as well, she stared at Momo and smiled. "Good you're just in time, dinners done" 

Mina POV

I sat in my backyard, the familiar surroundings offering little solace as I grappled with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. Confusion, hurt, anger – they all mingled together, forming an indistinguishable knot in the pit of my stomach.

It had been so long since I last saw Y/n, yet the memories flooded back with startling clarity. The way his eyes lit up when he smiled, the warmth of his touch – it was as if no time had passed at all. But now, faced with the harsh reality of his engagement, those memories felt like shards of glass, cutting deep into my already wounded heart.

Why would he let me believe there was something between us if he was already promised to another? Why did he allow those stolen moments of intimacy to exist if they were nothing more than illusions?

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled out of my reverie by the sound of the sliding door opening behind me. I turned to see my uncle, concern etched on his face.

"Mina, why haven't you answered your phone? You scared me half to death," he exclaimed, his worry palpable.

I offered him a weak smile, guilt washing over me at the sight of his distress. "I'm sorry, Uncle. I... I just needed some time alone."

He approached me, his expression softening as he took in my troubled demeanor. "What's the matter? Is it about the forced marriage?"

His words cut through the silence like a knife, laying bare the source of my anguish. I swallowed hard, unable to hide the pain etched across my face.

"Yes, but oh it's just so much, Uncle... I feel overwhelmed... Maybe mother is right about moving to America," I confessed, feeling the weight of my vulnerability as I spoke.

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