Chapter Eighteen

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I was balled up on the couch when I heard Yuna make some noises from the staircase. I glanced over and I watched as she pulled her luggage down the stairs.

"Need help?" I asked catching her attention.

"Yes please Oppa~" Yuna responded with a smile as she stopped halfway in the stairs. I got up off the couch and I made my over to her. I swiftly grabbed the luggage and made it down the stairs.

"Leaving already?" I asked as I opened the front door.

"Mhm Yeah... Uncle and Aunty offered to let us live there instead" she replied as she we stood on the porch steps.

"Oh that's good though, I'll see you at school then?" She shook her head.

"They don't live in this city, so I won't be able to see you anymore" She sat down on the step with a sad look on her face.

"Hey, that's not true, you can come visit during vacations" I replied trying to cheer her up. I sat down next to her and I looked at her.

"Yeah... I'll still miss you Oppa" She made eye contact with me.

"I'll miss you too Yuna. But hey, we can still text, call and video chat if you miss me too much" I suggested with a chuckle. Yuna started to smile.

"Hey you best believe I'm calling you every night then!"

"Deal" I replied with a chuckle. Yuna reached into her pocket and pulled out a bracelet.

"What's that?" I asked as I looked at it.

"Well... it was supposed to be a gift for you, if you said yes to being my boyfriend..." Yuna got quiet and looked sad.

"Oh... Again I'm really sorry about that. I do love you, but I'm a little too old for you, and I'm with Nayeon..." I felt bad. Yuna reached over and took my hand. She put the bracelet on my wrist and gave me a smile.

"I know Oppa, you don't want to hurt me or Nayeon. That's why I'm giving you this. Look at it as a reminder of me, so if you're sad know I'm with you in spirit" She giggled as she let go of my hand.

"Haha I will, thank you Yuna. I feel bad, I don't have anything on me to give you" A big range rover pulled up in front of the house. The window rolled down and it was Yuna's mom.

"Yuna come on! We need to leave so we get there before it's dark!" She shouted and we both stood up. I grabbed her luggage and I helped carry it to the car.

"Well this is goodbye then?" I said as I looked at Yuna.

"For now and don't worry too much about the gift" She quickly leaned forward and kissed me before she sat down in the car.

"We're even now haha" she smiled as she close the door. I just smiled back like a idiot as we waved at each other. I watched as the car took off and I was left there in the driveway by myself, or so I thought.

"You know I don't condone kissing other girls when you have a girlfriend Y/n" I turned around and I saw Momo smiling at me.

"Well she kissed me, not the other way around" I said trying to defend myself. Momo came over and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'll allow it this time, We both know how happy that made her" She smiled and I smiled back.

"Yeah, I know... speaking of girlfriends. Uhm her "brother" texted her apparently, any updates on that?" Momo sighed and shook her head.

"No, both me and Yuna spent the entire say asking people on the dance team, but nobody really knew, seems like Nayeon is quite a private person" Momo responded as she crossed her arms.

"I see, I'll just have a proper one on one conversation next time I see her..." Momo chuckled.

"Maybe that is what you should have done today, instead of making us listen too you two having sex during dinner" She gave me a smug look.

"It was a movie!" I rebutted.

"Y/n... I literally watched you two go at it through the keyhole" Momo said with unconvinced look.

"Y-You watched?! You're such a pervert!" I said trying to make her the bad one.

"Mhm whatever... so what now?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe I'll go visit my friend is hospital again" Mina and Sana probably wondered where I am since I left before they woke up.

"Oh who's that?" Momo curiously asked.

"Oh just a girl called Mina, don't worry about it"

"Jeez okay, just asking..."

"I know, but you can go eat food or whatever you usually do, I'm gonna head to hospital" I said trying to shoo Momo away.

"Hey let me come with you! I wanna meet her too!" Momo grabbed my shirt and gave me puppy eyes like Sana usually does.

"Aish did Sana teach you that?!" Momo started to laugh.

"Haha yeah, but please! I'm bored"

"Okay fine... but don't embarrass me!" I said with a stern look

"Okay!" Momo replied excitedly. She took my hand and we walked off to the hospital.

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