Chapter Thirty-One

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I was sitting on the front steps when I heard the door open behind me.

"I'm ready~" Mina greeted as she closed the door behind her. I immediately got up and looked at her.

"Wow... you look great Mina" She giggled as she took my hand.

"Thanks, so were you gonna take me?" She asked as we walked down the stairs and off her property.

"Hmm, I'm not sure... I guess we can just walk around till something catches your eyes?" I suggested as we walked around. We walked around for hours and I couldn't help but to find Mina's curiosity adorable. It's like she's seeing everything for the first time.

"Y/n! There!" We stopped and Mina pointed at a playground. More specifically the swings.

"Yeah it's a kid's playground, what about it?" I asked as Mina let go of my hand and jogged over to it.

"I always wanted to try one of these!" She excitedly explained as I watched her struggle trying to figure out how to catch speed. She was moving back and forth too fast so she wasn't catching any speed.

"No Mina, do it slower" I explained as I approached her.

"I don't get it, this is hard" A pouty lipped Mina whined.

"Here I'll push you haha" I grabbed the swing and I pulled it back. "Hold on tight now" I said as I gave her a big push, sending her forward. Her childish giggles filled the playground as she swung back and forth.

"Y/n! This is so fun!" I couldn't help but to chuckle at her childish energy. Her innocent and pure laughter can be heard all throughout.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying it." I replied as I continued on pushing her swing.

"Hey I wanna go faster!"

"You sure?" I asked as I held her still.


"Better hang on tight!" I replied as I pulled then pushed the swing the hardest that I could and gave it another one every time it swung back.

"Hahaha, Y/n!" Her screams and laughter echoed in the playground. "Look! I'm sooo high!"

I gave her another push as she came back, making her swing faster and higher.

"Eep- Y/n! Too high! Too high!" Mina then complained as she reached the peak of her swing.

"Hahaha okay, okay." I slowly and gradually stopped her swinging as my arms were also getting tired too.

"You're a big meanie, Y/n." Mina said as she caught her breath. "You owe me an ice cream now!"

"Fine- no problem." I replied as I helped her up and went to the nearest ice cream parlor with her hand in mine.

We both got chocolate flavored ice cream and sat at the nearest bench outside.

"Mina-" I called out to her to get her attention.

"Hm-" My finger found her cheek as she turned her head around.

"Gotcha!" I smirked at my little prank.

"Aish-" She let out a big sigh before booping my nose with her ice cream. Leaving a blot of chocolate behind.

"Yah-" I complained as I wiped the dairy from my nose.

"That's a little payback, Y/n" Soft giggles came out from her lips as she stuck her tongue out.

And I can't help but laugh along with her.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today y/n" Mina said out of nowhere. "I've been enjoying it so far."

"It's nothing." I replied. "I missed you so much and I want to spend as much time as possible to make up for it.

"Me too Y/n, I missed you so much." She replied as she leaned on my shoulder.

The two of us sat there in silence enjoying both the ice cream and most especially each other's company. Once we finished our cones, we decided to head back home but not before heading to a spaghetti place for a meal. I held her hand tightly as we walked back to her place.

"Come I have a last thing I want to do for you Y/n~" She grabbed my wrist and lead me through the house.

"What is it Mina?" She brought me to her bedroom.

"Lay down please" She asked.

"Okay?..." I was confused but I did as she requested. I watched as she turned on some music.

"What you doing?" I asked as I watched her. She gave me a playful look as she started swaying her hips from side to side along with the music.

"Pleasing you~" she replied in playful and sensual tone as she slowly started removing her clothes piece by piece. I knew what I was doing was wrong but she had me in some trance as I watched nude and perfect body climb onto the bed.

"Mina..." she climbed on top of me. I couldn't resist my hands wrapped around her slim waist. Mina leaned forward and she pressed her lips against mine. I moved my hands down her sides and onto her soft ass. I gave it a squeeze and Mina let out a moan before she returned to the passionate kissing. My cock grew harder and harder for each passing moment. I broke the kiss and we stared into each others eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, I knew damn well I was in the wrong and Tzuyu would leave me if she ever found out, but it's too late now.

"Yeah... I want you Y/n, I'm more mature now and I'm ready because I trust and love you" She smiled and I smiled back at her.

"I love you too Mina"

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