Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I was eating breakfast with Tzuyu in the backyard when she cleared her throat to gain my attention.

"Hmm?" I looked at her and she gave me a serious look.

"Well it's just that... Now that Sana is gone, you need to get a job. I can't pay for this house alone" I sighed sarcastically as I knew this was gonna happen.

"Really?! Didn't you get a raise, I thought you were supposed to be my sugar mommy" I said in a joking manner. I felt a slap against my arm and we both started to chuckle.

"No pabo, it was just a bonus for me being there on the trip and as you can see I'm not so, you'll have to get your lazy butt out this house and find a job" I fidgeted with my fork as I let out a sigh.

"Yeah yeah... you're right, I'll go look after breakfast. Does that sound good to you, queen of the universe" She slapped my arm again.

"It does, but no need to be rude about it" I got up and chuckled.

"I'm not being rude, I'm being courteous miss queen of the universe" she picked up her half drunken glass of orange juice and she looked like she was gonna throw it at me so I quickly ran inside giggling like a schoolgirl. I peaked at her through the back door and she was pinching the bridge of her nose.


Sana POV

I woke up to the noise of voices outside my room. I yawned and opened my eyes slightly, I didn't recognise the room I was inside. I was on some old looking couch in a small dark room. I sat up straight on the couch and last night's memories flowed back into my brain.

"Oh yes, antique store right..." I took out my phone and I quickly brushed my bed hair down so I looked sorta presentable. Once I was done I got up and I walked over to the door leading into the store. I took a deep breath as I twisted the handle and walked into the store. I saw a couple of elder people chatting among themselves and I felt relieved they didn't notice me. I shut the door and walked to the exit, I quickly glanced at the register and I saw Mr Tanaka giving me a slight wave as he was dealing with some customer. I waved back as I walked out the store and down the street. I didn't want to bug him especially when he was working so it was just best if I got to Momo's she must be worried about me. I waved down a cab and they took me to Momo's apartment. I knocked on the door but there was no response. I grabbed the door handle expecting it to be locked but the door opened right away.

"Momo?..." I asked as I stepped into the apartment, shutting the door gently. No response still. I took off my shoes and I walked inside the living room.

"Empty" I muttered to myself. I noticed the bedroom door was closed so I walked over to it and I twisted the handle gently. I peeked inside and I saw a lump under the covers.

"Aish... had me worried for a second sleepyhead" I walked over to the bed pulling the covers away.

"Momo dear~" I whispered gently as I laid down next to her.

"Hnnnggg...." She tiredly groaned as she buried her face into the mattress.

"Morningggg-" I greeted her as I try to wake her up.

"Uh- Morning..." Momo replied, still yawning.

"Is something bothering you, Momo-dear?"

"It's nothing... just... sleepy still." She replied as she turned her head around, rubbing her eyes.

"Hmm, do I need to wake you up?" I got a little closer and started caressing her thighs.

"Mhm~ I would love it if you do."

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