Chapter Thirty-Five

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I woke up from my nap when I felt someone caressing my cheek. I was still too tired to open my eyes but I assumed it was Sana. In tired haze I reached for their hand and grabbed it gently.

"Stooop..." I tiredly mumbled as I let go. All I got in return was a muffled no. She started to caress on my face again. I groaned and felt around for her hand again. Once I found and got a hold of it again I decided to roll over on top of her so she can't keep bothering me. I rolled over and I could feel her cheek against mine. Her breath tickled my ear as I held her down.

"Mmm Y/n~" My eyes immediately shot open as that wasn't Sana's voice. I leaned back and I was greeted by Momo's eyes.

"Momo?- I how?" I tried to look around for Sana but she wasn't in bed.

"Lay down, You too tense and I want to cuddle" Momo dragged me down and wrapped her arm around me.

"Where is Sana?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh she left hours ago, I had to drive her to her parents place. Oh I used your car if you don't mind" I felt a pit in my stomach.

"H-Hours a-ago?..." Momo nodded.

"I wish you'd told me you were going to drop off all that luggage though, I'd have made some space for it." Momo didn't seem worried at all about what's happening.

"Did she seem... angry?" I asked as Momo traced her finger across my bare skin.

"No? She just said you'd had a busy day so I should just let you sleep. I was tired after practice and driving Sana so I decided to sleep with you" I choked a little on my spit.

"Eh- you should choose your words more carefully..." I said causing Momo to furrow her brows in confusion for a second. Her eyes suddenly shot open and her cheeks turned a subtle pink.

"Eheh... Sorry..." She rolled over so her back was facing me. "I wouldn't mind that though..." She quietly muttered, I barely heard what she said and my face got hot.

"I'm your brother Momo, you shouldn't want that..." I replied as I stared up as the ceiling.

"Maybe... but that still doesn't change the fact you're hot... and all the stories Sana told of you two going at it... it's been plaguing my mind" I watched Momo roll onto her back our the corner of my eye.

"I thought you were a lesbian and why is Sana telling you about... actually forget I asked, I don't want to know" Momo suddenly got up and climbed on top of me, resting her butt on my waist.

"There's a lot of things Sana tell me that she doesn't tell anybody else" She smirked a little as she rested her hands on my chest.

"Like what?" I can't lie she did definitely peak my interests. Maybe I can learn why Sana acts the way that she does?

"Hmm not so fast Y/n, You need to earn your reward. It's no fun if I just tell you" I sighed a little.

"What do you want?" I reluctantly asked. Momo leaned forward till our noses touched.

"I want you... to fuck me, like you fuck Sana..."

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