Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Jagiyaaa I'm bored" Tzuyu whined, as she stretched on the couch.

"Hmm well we could go to the amusement park if you'd like?" I suggested as I gently stroke her shin.

"Oh yes! I love that place, but you better hold my hand on the scariest ride!" Tzuyu replied as she took her legs off me at sat up in the couch.

"Deal, if you pay for food" I jokingly counter offered.

"Hmm it depends on if you're a good boy or not" She winked as she stood up from the couch.

"Haha what I'm always a good boy" I quickly responded as I also got up off the couch.

"not in the bedroom" She smugly looked at me and I chuckled in embarrassment.

"I guess you're right, maybe I'll misbehave there too" I half jokingly suggested as I wrapped my arm around her.

Sana POV

Argh listening to those two drives me nuts. I was hiding in the hallway as I listening to them. They're gonna have sex at the amusement park?! I can't let it happen! After getting lost in my thoughts I noticed that the house had gotten quiet. I peeked my head inside the living room and it was empty.

"Hello?" I asked but all I got was silence in the return.

"Fuck did they already leave?!" I rushed into the hallway and I opened the front door. I spotted Y/n black car in the distance and I panicked.

"I gotta hurry" I called a cab as I rushed to my room to get dressed.


I pulled up and parked the car outside the big amusement park.

"Woah! I forgot how big this place was haha" Tzuyu said as she unbuckled herself.

"Yeah, looks like we're gonna be here for a while" I turned off the car and I unbuckled myself.

"Well let's not waste time" Tzuyu said as she got out the car. I nodded as I got out as well. The sunny weather shined on my face as we walked to entrance.

Sana POV

I payed the cab driver before I got out it and entered the parking lot. I spotted Y/n's car parked by the entrance.

"Hope there isn't too many people..." I bought a ticket and I made my way inside. There was a lot of people but not so many where I wouldn't be able to spot them.

Tzuyu POV

"Ahahaha that was so fun!" Y/n exclaimed as he smiled at me. I felt a little dizzy from the ride but it was fun for sure.

"Yeah! But I think it was a little bit too much for me..." I held my head as I leaned against a wall.

"Hey babe you okay?" Y/n came over and helped me keep my balance.

"Yeah I think I might need a little break" I suggested and Y/n agreed I held onto Y/n as we made our way over to a place we could eat.

"Hey Babe just wait here, I'll get us some food" Y/n said as he stood up.


Sana POV

"I'll never find them..." I balled up on a bench, I couldn't stop crying. Why did I suddenly get such strong feelings for him now!? I could have had him! I'm so stupid!!

"Uhm miss you okay?" That voice... I quickly wiped my eyes with my hoodie sleeve and I looked up.

"Sana?!" Y/n spoke out in a surprised tone.

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