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I woke up to Sana's sleepy noises. She usually makes if she's having a good dream. At least that's what she told me when we younger. I sat up in the bed when I heard knocking on the door.

"Sana? Y/n? Are you awake? Breakfast is ready" It was Sana's mom. She spoke loud enough to wake Sana up as I felt her shuffle around.

"Ya we coming" Sana mumbled back as she hugged me. Her soft topless breasts pressed against my side as she pecked me on the cheek. I felt conflicted as waking up next to Sana felt good, but Mina...

"Let's hurry before they get suspicious~" Sana whispered as she let go off me and climbed off the bed. I couldn't help but to admire her nude figure as I followed suit. We got dressed and made it down to breakfast. It was nothing to write home about. Once we'd finished I decided to go back home. All my shit was there anyways.

"Where you going?" Sana asked as she grabbed the back of my shirt as I walked out the front door.

"Well... I'd like to shower, and get my stuff since it's well back at the house with Tzuyu..." She let go of me and she bit her finger.

"Want me to come with you? I can help carry your stuff" I chuckled and shook my head.

"I'd like it, but I probably will need all the space I can get in the car, also I don't want you to get hurt if Tzuyu goes berserk, I'll handle it. But if you want to help you can call Momo and ask if it's okay if I live at her place" She nodded at me.

"Yeah I get it, I'll call her. Be quick though! I'd like to spend all day with you"

"You know what? Sure, we can do that" I watched a smile for on Sana's face as I agreed to her request. I said my farewells and I hopped in my car. As much as I didn't want to do this I kinda had too. I need my shit. As I got about halfway home I felt my pocket vibrate. I pulled out my phone and I saw it was my boss calling.

"Oh fuck work!" I was about to answer when I remember Tzuyu was the whole reason I got that job. And I ain't living there anymore. I scoffed as I hit decline. I blocked the number and I threw my phone onto the passenger seat. Once I made it home I parked in the driveway and I hopped out. I peeked in through the front window and the living room was pitch black.

"Phew she's not home" I let out in a relieved tone as I walked up to the front door. I grabbed the handle and twisted but the door was locked. I didn't bring my key but luckily I knew where the extra key was hidden. I lifted the plant pot next to the front door and there laid the spare keys. I quickly grabbed them and let myself inside. I kept my shoes on since I figured I'd just be walking in and out to bring my shit to the car. I made my way to the bathroom and I grabbed all my hygiene stuff first. I walked out to the car and put it in the back seat. I went in and out grabbing my stuff a couple times when it was time for the bedroom. I grabbed the handle and I twisted it. Too my surprise, I spotted Tzuyu in bed on her phone. She immediately made eye contact with me. Her eyes red and puffy like she'd been crying all night, but her facial expression looked like she wanted to kill me.

"Oh-... this is awkward-" I said to break the tension.

"Why are you here..." Her tone was cold as ice.

"Uhm... well I live here too you know, well not for long anyways, I'm kinda just here to get my stuff and leave" She put her phone down and sat up in the bed.

"Then get your s-shit and go!" I could tell she wanted to be angry, but her emotions got the better of her.

"I will! And I don't know why you give me attitude, you're the one who cheated, not me" I said in a slightly irked tone as I walked over to the closet and started to gather some jackets.

"Fuck y-you! I didn't want t-to!" She started sobbing.

"Well you did anyways and got all mad at me over Sana, but you went and did the exact thing yourself" I replied as I left the room and went to the car. I chucked the jackets in the trunk and I went back inside. Tzuyu was under the covers throwing a hissy fit so I just ignored her and kept grabbing my stuff and dumping it in the car. I was on my last trip just gathering some small stuff when Tzuyu hopped off the bed.

"Don't g-gooo!! I-I'm sorry! Sorry!!! PLEASEEEE" She dropped to the floor and held onto my leg.

"Oh my lord Tzuyu, act like a adult. You're crying like a baby because you did something wrong"

Sana POV

"MOMO!" I shouted into the phone as I sat in the backyard.

"Omg why are you being so loud" Momo tiredly responded through the phone.

"Because you're not picking up the phone fast enough" I chuckled back. I felt so happy and giddy now that Y/n finally likes me.

"I'm sorry, I came home late because I had to help that Mina girl pack her things and she was really emotional" Momo explained followed by a yawn.

"Pack her things? What?" I was confused

"Yeah, she has some personal family issues, she can explain it better than me"

"Oh, well... since we're on the topic of moving, uhm... well Y/n asked me to ask you if he can live with you?"

"With me? Doesn't have his own place? And why did he ask you?"

"I don't know just! Yes or no Momo"

"Yes! Of course yes, You guys coming now or what?"

"Well he's getting his things so, I don't know where he is now, but I'll probably just come with him"

"Okay, just let yourselves in, I'm going back to sleep" Momo hung up the phone and I sighed, sleep does sound real nice about now.

"Sana? You have guest!" My mother called out from the house.

"Guests?" I questioned as I got up and went inside. I walked through the living room and into the hallways where I saw

"Y/n and Tzu..."

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